At first I thought that this had to be something important. Like those yellow bands that symbolize your support for the cure of cancer. It never crossed my mind that some people are stupid fucks and would actually find this to be funny.
I needed to find the answer so I researched the net. I typed in "Katrina Survivor bumper sticker" in Google and the only sites that came up were those funny web sites that sell goofy shit. I did come across ONE article that said, and let me paraphrase this, "Katrina took a lot, but it did not take away their sense of humor." You are right. Who wouldn't find your dead brother's body floating down the street HAlarious? I know I would. I'm just waiting for "Concentration Camps helped me pass my S.A.T.'s" or "I lost my virginity on 9/11" bumper stickers and t-shirts.
So how did this happen? Dollar bills yall. I really think that people wait for catastrophes so they can cash in on them. Ever notice how many American flags were sold after 9/11? A shit load because they were everywhere. It's just some mother fucker making money off of a shitty event. I know they aren't donating the money that they get from selling products like these and if they are, it's a fraction of their profits and the only reason would be for a tax write off.
Most things annoy the fuck out of me. Most things don't bother me but for some reason this one makes my stomach sick. It doesn't remind me of what the survivors went through, or the people who weren't as fortunate to get out alive. It reminds me that this country is based on money and we will do whatever we can to make a quick buck, to get the money to buy that Plasma T.V., to take that vacation in the Bahamas. I am no saint in any means, in fact I can be a bastard at times, but when I weigh situations like these out on the scale of reason I find that my conscious out weighs anything else and that my friends is something you can never sell…well, unless I get my asking price on EBay and I’ll let you know when my auction closes in an hour.
When I first looked at the bumper sticker my first thought wasn't about the guy who made a buck off of it. My first thought was, "Why would someone put a sticker like that on their car?"
If it's not for sympathy, then thanks for letting me know.
I take it to mean that this person is from New Orleans and actually survived the Hurricane.
If that is not it's intent, then I not only don't get the joke, I don't understand it at all.
i really fucking hate all of the bumper stickers that people have on the backs of their cars and the annoyance i feel is some of the same that i experience when people wear jeans on lee national denim day to show that they've paid their $5 to support breast cancer research. that's what it took to get you to cough up a measly $5? the promise of wearing jeans to work? why are people wearing their beliefs on their cars and their philanthropies on their ass? yes, we all have beliefs - i, for one, believe these people are a few IQ points short of public school - but no one needs to see them broadcasted in traffic.
i was on my way to work the other day, stuck behind a Rav 4 that had a rear wheel cover with a picture of the twin towers superimposed over a view of the present NYC skyline, superimposed over an eagle, superimposed over the american flag. it said, 'we will never forget.' no, we won't - how could we? but i really don't want to continue to think about it everyday for the rest of my life.
look at this: truck
i took a photo of this truck a few months back and was going to post about it, but never did. i'm glad. dan, you've done a much better job of addressing this topic than i would have, as my entire argument would have been 'this is retarded' if you support troops, fine, but then there are anti war stickers, too. and 'W' with a line through it and then 'W04' and the list goes on.
i have a license plate border with my college's name on it? does that count?
BTW - i also don't see the humor in that sticker, but maybe you should start leaving donations of non perishable goods by the driver's side door. and maybe a lifejacket.
i need to clarify. i have a run on sentence above that makes it look like i think supporting troops is retarded. i assure you, that is not the case. i just support bad punctuation.
i would like everyone to come home, but that's a whole other topic.
J, I don't see how it could be for sympathy, look at it again.
Dave, look at it again. Even if they were from New Orleans, it's intent is to be humurous is not funny. I don't know, maybe you could see it as funny but I don't. Oh well. God Bless the U.S.
Ahh. Let me see if I get it: you don't think the person who drives that car is actually from New Orleans.
My take was that the person is from New Orleans and wanted everyone to know that they survived. So I'm asking, why do they want everyone to know? What is their intended effect of putting that sticker on their car?
Yes, J, from my understanding this person isn't from New Orleans. I could be wrong, I really could but on cases like this I'm usually not. They are Nevada residents that's why I was a little upset and you could say, "Well maybe they moved here," and I would say, "Yes that's true but why does their licnese plate expire in a couple of months?" HMMMMM....
My interpretation is the same as J's. When I see this bumper sticker the only thing that I can think of is that the owner of the car is from New Orleans and due to the hurricane he has either temporarily or permanently located to Las Vegas.
Let me be clear, I don't think it is funny on any level. Whether it is supposed to be funny or not.
As far as the license plates go, I could come up with several explanations. Maybe they were issued temporary license plates. Maybe they have a second home in Las Vegas. Maybe they were displaced by the hurricane and they are living with a relative in Las Vegas and borrowing the relative's car, and then like an asshole put a bumper sticker on the borrowed car. Maybe everything they own was destroyed in New Orleans and they bought themselves a brand new Toyata and stole some motherfucker's license plate.
I think you should ask the car's owner for an explanation and then report your findings back to us. I've become curious.
That would require me socializing with my neighbors and that ain't gonna happen unless they are hot, lesbian strippers. Trust me, they are not hot, lesbian strippers.
Do it Dan, you must for us.
"Don't Move Firewood, It BUGS Me!"
OK, i see J and Dave's point, but I also see Dan's. if this guy really survived Katrina, I don't think his Toyota would look nearly as nice as it did. If he (assuming it is a doosh of a guy) evacuated 3 days prior, I don't consider him a survivor. now if he stayed and had to swim through the toxic, corps infested waters to get out, then yes, he is a Katrina Survivor. Until then, you are just as much a survivor as me. we both watched it on the news and got through it ok.
Now, i see Dan's point of the money thing. I totally agree, to go out of your way to buy something that boasts of Hurricane Katrina? come on. Just like Christine said, do we have to live these tragedies over and over, trust me, we won't forget. It really sickens me to think people are turning a buck from tragedy, where some people see devistataion, these pricks see dollar signs. OK, now for J and Daves point. I don't see the humor either, they may be from New Orleans, who knows. Until you ask them their story, Dan, I can't assume one way or another.
I originally thought that the owner of this bumper sticker was actually a "Katrina survivor". I didn't see any humor in it, or how it could even be perceived as humorous. Still don't.
After hearing more details, I think Dan's probably right in his assumption that the intent was a stab at humor, but I just don't get it. What could possibly be funny about that? I appreciate warped humor, but this just doesn't make any sense.
On the other hand, if this was a sincere act of support for the victims of Katrina (whether the driver was one or not), I'm right there with J and Christine. OK, it definitely sucks that these tragedies occurred, but why do you want to remind every person of it every day? Surviving implies moving on and above. It sucked, you're alive, be happy.
Oh, and Dave - it's funny you mentioned the firewood sticker; I just happened to see that for the first time on the highway about two hours ago. Is it that severe of an issue that he needed to advertise? Is that his pet cause? Or does this old guy in the beat up Chevy truck really just find it to be that amusing?
I'd like to see one that says "Friends don't let friends put moronic stickers on cars".
The "bugs" sticker is a failed awareness campaign. It does give any information, and I think it makes people question the sanity of the car's driver. No one knows why you are not supposed to move firewood unless they arlready knew before they saw the bumper sticker. Therefore it is ineffective, and somewhat funny.
In my own attempts at humor I placed a gold "Jesus Fish Symbol" decal on my father-in-law's car without his knowledge. He is a religious individual. He loves really tacky religious idols because they are tacky and funny. He doesn't like them because they give him religious comfort or happiness. He loves them because he thinks it is ridiculous that they give other people religious comfort or happiness. He was ammused when he discovered the decal and never removed it.
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