Saturday, December 03, 2005

See You in the Morning

As you can tell I've promised someone that I would write everyday this week. It's been tough but I seem to have managed it. Some quality, some quantity. Tonight on the other hand has not been the case. I've done a lot of different things to try and spark my creativity, as you can tell none have them worked because I'm writing about how I can't write. I'm on my second Mickey's and there isn't anything. Nothing. I don't feel sad. I don't want to pour out my soul to you. The only thing I can think of is how writing is organic. I have forced a lot of things out this week, a lot, and in my eyes it has been shit. I don't care if you think that they were good because in my eyes it has not been up to par. I'm 2 over par right now and though it's not a bad score, there's always room for improvement.

I've come to realize that writing and relationships are the same. They both have to be organic or there's always gonna be something in the back of your mind that makes you wonder.

"What could be better? How can I change this?"

It's hard to force feelings for someone because you know they like you, they just have to be there. You can't force a story out on paper because you think you have to write. A story should flow on paper, like talking with a girl for an hour and not even knowing the time. There shouldn't be the pressure, there shouldn't be a bead of sweat. Yes, I do think that writing is tough. If it was easy everyone would do it and they would do it great. They would do it fucking fantasticly (yes I know that's not a "real" word"). I guess if dating was easy everyone would be doing it. There would be random acts of,

"Hey you, I'm dating you now!!!"
"Oh, ok. Thanks."

But I don't see women doing that for me or pieces of paper. So I have to approach it in a nice, non-threatening way. Let it know that I'm there to make us both compliment each other. That I wouldn't do it unless I knew I could and I ignore it. I ignore it like it was never born. Stare at the ceiling. Stare at my drink. Stare. I do that until I feel it. I dive right in, head first, knowing that it's a six foot deep pool and write. I write till my knuckles bleed. I write till I know that it's safe to sleep. That it's safe to close my eyes and that time has come. It's time for me to put my head on my pillow, dream. Dream of tomorrow when I know I have to do this all over again and I can't wait to wake up.


m said...

Dan, I have to say I disagree with your organic method. I think forcing it out is like practice. It's like working out.

But waiting to feel it could take forever. It's like waiting for your ship to come in, instead of swimming out to it.

I say, you are very talented, and even when you don't feel inspired, your talent shows.

Working at it doesn't mean you are necessarily forcing it, and it doesn't take away from the quality. That's what Jerry Seinfeld's documentary "Comedian" really showed me. He really puts a lot of work into his act. Every line has been poured over.

Thomas Edison said "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."

Good work takes hard work. Not all of them are gonna come easy.

kagroo said...

So write everyday? BAM.

christine said...

you've had some quality posts this week - don't knock it. everyday posting may not be the way to go, a lot of blogs that do that - it ends up just being a 'this is what i did today' - and most of those that post that way don't have the voice to make it sound interesting to anyone but themselves.

you're lucky, and your readers are lucky, that you have the ability to entertain with the recounting of stories and observations by crafting them with cadence and language that draws people in.

don't quit or we will come after you.

- christine

kagroo said...

I quit...only if you lead the mob.