Of course I love to stir up trouble...it's what I do. It's a science experiment gone RIGHT. I've also come to the conclusion that if you have a beard, you look like a scary mother fucker. If you don't have a beard, you look like you are trying to be a bad ass.
I mean look at me in these two pictures. One guy you would not want to see in a dark alley. The other you REALLy wouldn't want to see in a dark alley.
Everyone should and will grow beards. This I command.
nice before and after commercial, you should send that into a weight loss clinic.
I would say I lost about ten pounds after I shaved.
i like the beard
Grow it if you can, just to look intimidating!!! Also, chicks dig it!!
You look like a lumberjack. But that's OK.
By the way, the moustache that we previously called handlebar-style (and that you can pull off like Hulk Hogan) is in fact a fu manchu moustache. Except when you wear one I will call it the fu Danchu.
The odd thing is, is that you are Canadian...if you want me to continue...i will...if not...you get it.
kagroo, you look very familiar to me (beardless, that is). Are you from Kalamazoo? I moved here a few years ago and I'm trying to place how I might have met you. Or, maybe you just have one of those familiar faces. Hmm, I guess it's on me to figure it out; I'll let you know if I come up with anything.
As for the beard? For the most part, chicks don't dig it. Think about how that thing would feel between your legs (as if you haven't already!). Flavor-savers hurt chicks. End violence toward women!
Redpoe, you might recognize Kagroo from the internet. He used to pose for nude photographs.
Well luckily I don't really care if women (or men) like the beard. It is who I am.
I am from Kalamazoo. That town is very small, even though it's big so i'm sure you've run across me. Plus I usually had an entourage.
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