Monday, December 12, 2005

R.I.P. Condor

this is an audio post - click to play


Anonymous said...

We are going to become vigilantes and we will deal with these criminals with a vengeance.

On to other shit... If you need some monetary help to help with the new vehicle, let me know. I'm sure I can put something together.

Also, Dexter got his car stolen once. (He actually walked out of work to see his car speed off into the distance.) He has some tips for you when it comes to getting your due from the insurance company. I'll tell you this over the phone after I get out of work today.

Keep your chin up, buddy. It'll work out.

christine said...

crap. that is a slap in the face. sorry to hear about your car. i hope everything goes well with the insurance company.

Anonymous said...

That's funny. I know it sucks, but I can't help but laugh. Someday you will think it is funny too. My father-in-law has a truck that has been stolen four times. It gets beat up a little bit more each time. The ignition has been destroyed. After the first time, a screwdriver had to be employed to start the vehicle by inserting it deep into the steering column where the key used to go and turning it as if it were the key. Then it was stolen again, and the steering colomn was further destroyed. After that a pair of pliers was used to shift some bars in the column before it would start. Then it developed to the point where in order to start the vehicle the driver had to crawl underneath the truck and engage some wires, or some shit, and then it would start by a push bottom switch installed under the dashboard. The last time I drove it, the process had to be explained multiple times. Look up brother, cars are replaceable.

As far as the Lions go, well it's not very far. They suck. I don't even care anymore. They have won their last game this season. Look at the brightside, they might fire Matt Millen if it gets much worse. If I were to analogize the Lions, I would say their season resembles the last few days of the life of Dan's car.

RIP R. Pryor. The New York Times pre-prepared obituary was nice.

Anonymous said...

You know, this same type of feeling is what conceived the seven page story I sent to you two weeks ago. That's why it could have been better. I just didn't feel like spending anymore time on it. I just wanted to get it out there and be done with it. Maybe we should have a sympathy contest and see who wins. I've fucked up more shit more times, but it sounds like your car is dead, where as mine will recover to some degree.

kagroo said...

I was laughing all that day. It was fucked up. I mean it was so retarded (not p.c.). I didn't know how to react to it.

One time, which I had forgotten is that my mom's car got stolen when we were at church. I mean, come on. It was later found in the Battle Creek mall parking lot.

kagroo said...

Yeah all of my cars have been like that. They all cancer that was eating away at them. My last car, before this one, was an 88 Ford Escort. My parents had gotten it for me for about four hundred bucks as a junker car for my senior year in college. That car lasted six years after that. It wasn't until I had gotten the new car that I was able to say goodbye to it. What did I do with it? I left it in my old apartment complex as I drove out west. I couldn't put it down. I couldn't put it to sleep. Dave had written a post that was about seven pages long about old cars which I really should put up here. I'm a lazy American...what can I say?

kagroo said...

Dan=Kagroo. We are just a nifty little clubhouse with jolly old names.