Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Most Over Rated Holiday in History

I've been hearing "Next year. 2006 will be my year." The thing do you know this? I'm sure in 2004 the same people were saying, "2005, this is my year." It seems that some people always remember the bad things towards the end of the year that they are so anxious for the New Year. I mean, in all honesty it's easier to remember the shitty things rather than remembering the sweet, wonderful great things. It's just how most Americans think.

So by the end of the year people are so ready for a "New Year," for this "new start" that people like to remind you on how bad that year was for them and can't wait for 01-01-06. I just don't see how there is a big difference between 12-31-05 to 01-01-06. It's just another day in my life. It's just another day. I guess if people were always that optimistic about the next day, everyone would be a doctor, a Nobel Peace Prize winner or me.

The real kicker is that there is no escaping this. You can try and hide but this holiday always finds you. No matter where you are at; bar, lame ass house party, church social...that when it's close to midnight you stop what you are doing and gather around the TV. and watch other people celebrating New Year's Eve. That's another thing that always bothers me…you turn off the music, you stop talking with your friends to see someone else count down. Maybe people do this so it's an official time but for the most part I tend to go away from the crowd.

"Ok, everyone lets count."












And people start singing. They sing the New Year's song that no one knows the name to (I don't either but I really don't care), that no one knows the lyrics to. People hug you, people you don't know. You are supposed to kiss someone and drink champagne. Wow, it's becoming clear to me now. I think it's getting to me because New Year's Eve is the same no matter what year it is. There is a fixed formula that you go by and I think that this formula sucks. After 30 seconds of celebrating you go back to drinking, fucking or sleeping. It's really a very anti-climatic event.

I've tried really hard to understand this. I've tried really hard to understand the importance of it all and please don't get me started on New Year's Resolutions...

Last Year's Ramblings

Most people look forward to celebrating this after Christmas but in my eyes, I look forward to it being over with.








Is this post done yet?



Almost. We are almost done.


We survived another Post.


qhunt said...

I agree with the crappy new years resolutions. If people really wanted to change somethings about themselves they shouldn't have to wait 'til a new year to do it.

New years always makes me a little sad. Like you said, it is anti-climactic, a let down. I always feel as though the years are slipping away, like "bummer, another year gone". Unlike the sorry saps you are talking about, i think of the fun times i had in the last year, all the great things that happened and it is sad to think it will all be stored away in a box marked "2005". Come on man, think of all the good times we had in the wonder years between 94-2002, good times bro, good times.

Anonymous said...

I'm a sorry sap. I celebrate New Year's, but mostly just because I feel I need to celebrate the fact that I survived another Christmas. I'm only slightly joking.
Screw resolutions; no one ever keeps them. And why is it that you can't resolve to make these changes any other day of the year? What's so special about January 1st? I give up smoking every year, but that only lasts for a day, and it's only because I've smoked two packs the night before to go along with my champagne, and I can't breathe or taste anyway.
Ah, the holidays make me so bitter. I love it.

christine said...

i hate new year's b/c i've realized that, single or taken, i don't have a great time. if i'm single, i'm bummed b/c i want someone to kiss and if i'm with a guy, i'm kissing him and thinking, 'i'm kissing him, so am i jinxing myself b/c now i'm going to end up spending the rest of the year with him? bleh.'

can't win

qhunt said...

Christine, that is one heck of a kiss, or you are one committed woman; if the guy you kiss on new years is going to be with you the rest of the year!