Tuesday, March 28, 2006

T.W.I.B. 3-28-06

I know, a whole fucking week. What can I say, I had a lot going on. After the fire incident, I got a throat infection. I was worried it was strep so I went to one of those Instant Care facilities. I didn't want to go but my sister's wedding is on Saturday and I thought it would be a waste if I flew to Florida to be sick.

When I got in there, they made me fill out the paper work. Then they did the pre-scanning, which I don't really know why the do that because when the doctor comes in, he asks you the exact same question. I wonder if they do that to try to catch you in a lie.

The doctor came and asked me questions; What hurts? Does your nose run? Do you sneeze? All the stupid questions and I answered them all. He said that I had symptoms of Strep but as we all know, I had it last year and this wasn't Strep. So why do I know more than a doctor? Am I really that smart? No, I don't know why. He took a throat culture (I think that's what it's called) and said that he'd have the results in five to ten minutes. An hour later a nurse comes in and tells me that it is just a virial thing and there is nothing they can do. They told me to drink lots of water and rest and that will be 93 bucks. Yup, no insurance equals higher amounts paid but if you think about it, if I had to pay 15 bucks every other week, it would be way more money. This is how I justify being broke. Thank you Grandma and Grampa for the birthday money. I spent it on someone telling me to drink water. Well worth it.

Shit, I don't know why I called this post, "This Week In Blogging" when I only had one story to talk about. I have failed. I am going to do my best to keep this up to date while I'm down there.

I predict that the next couple of weeks are going to be huge. HUGE I say. What is it Dan, I'm dying to know? Tough luck, learn some patience and count down the days. I'll let you know when it happens.

Until that time...

Over and out!!!


Anonymous said...

shit i thought that T.W.I.B. was going to be this week in baseball....
oh well.

kagroo said...

I trick you though I have done T.W.I.B. before in the past. It's my lazy ass attempt to post.

qhunt said...

good post, keep me posted, post post post

Anonymous said...

Damn, and with the new pitcher for the Tigers...