Do I really need to explain this picture? Look at this bad ass mother fucker. I've known Judd since Kindergarten. How many people can you say that you've known that long, I mean, that you can say you are still as good as friends as me and this guy (Improper sentence structure but it sounds oh so good)?
He is the reason why our short lived show on Cable Access, C.A.W.F. (Cable Access Wrestling Federation) ever exhisted. He was the brains behind the whole operation. This is the guy that will call me and randomly make up fake wrestling matches between wreslters from the 60's and 70's and laugh about it because he knows that I love it.
He's one of my best friends, one of my closests friends. I feel honored to know this kid, this guy who loves Bill Laimbeer and has a fucking knowledge of 80's music like no other. I'm dead serious. You may think you know your 80's music but I KNOW for a fact that he knows twice as much.
Judd is the guy who bowls 300 games like it's a common thing. Look at those rings. He didn't just buy them off the street corner, though I'm sure anyone could buy them on Ebay if they wanted to, but they wouldn't mean as much.
Give him two drinks and he's drunk. A cheap date but very entertaining.
I could write forever, I really could but that old saying, "A picture is worth a million words," couldn't be more right. I should be rich off of this picture. For the record, I'm not sure if that's the exact quote, but in my world...it is.
So come to Vegas soon with your fucking coupon book ass and let's have a beer. Let's talk about people from high school I haven no idea about, let's talk about Sega wrestling games you get from Japan, let's do it how we do it.
Junk Food Judd...live long brother, live long.
I like it...Judd doesn't know I posted this and one day he'll google his name and find it. Ha.
As usual, all i did was play basketball with high school buds. Judd was the X factor that everybody wanted on their team. He was the guy that would throw up that Laimbeer shot and make it to win the game. This guy has always had a smile on his face. He is one of the few that I would like to see at a reunion.
He's good people. It's funny because I stay in touch with anyone I'd like to see from High School. Anyone else, I avoid if I see them in public. It's not that a lot of people wander around Las vegas that I went to high school with...but if they do...I run and hide.
old JD,
I can never avoid the Bowling stories! Ha ha, he always makes me laugh though. Super nice guy, I see him at least once a week and he always has something new for me!
Do you know where the best place to get 2 for 1 buffets in Vegas?
There is only one person who would ask me such questions and that is Judd himself. The guy who finds his own statment funnier than the rest of us.
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