Thursday, May 19, 2005

Episode III: Revenge of the Writer

this is an audio post - click to play


qhunt said...

great frickin messages. that is cool. i will be listening for more. oh yeah, i did post a new blog too.

The Dana said...

so since i did write and fund my own movie, does that mean i can complain?

i think so!

seeing it tomorrow night...discussion to follow.

kagroo said...

You wrote it, I thought you just helped with the story? I mean, you'd win an oscar and all but I don't think you'd give a speach. Only way I know that is because of the Oscars this year with Charlie kaufman.

I'm just sick of hearing people complain how he ruined their childhood memories...etc. If you didn't like episode I, then you shouldn't have watched episode II. I mean all of these people complain, do you think that they would actually tell Lucas that they didn't care too much for episodes I and II...fuck no. So put your money where your mouth is. Yes, I complain, but I complain about things that I can't do anything about...unless I've just put my mouth where the money is.

The Dana said...

I am putting my money where my mouth is. The STORY is where Lucas has gone wrong - and yes, I think I could write one better than what he did.

The best Star Wars filme (ESB) wasn't even written by him.

So, let me see how the thing ends up tonight, and we can keep this up.


kagroo said...

Well the good thing is that we won't have to worry about your version of Star Wars since it is Lucas' version.

Anonymous said...

I think it is funny that people complain about the acting in the more recent trilogy without taking the time to realize that there are not any award winning performances in the original trilogy either.

kagroo said...

Well it goes back to the hole childhood thing. It's ok if Mark hammil isn't that strong of an actor. That his character is whiney and bitchy...etc.

I find funny that people say that Empire is the best, which I love too, because Lucas didn't direct or write it. Well, he did have the story and did have a say on the final version. He was Executive Producer and I know he had his fingers in everything. Plus, he would have done it but since Star Wars took so much out of him, that he didn't want to deal with it that much. I

Anonymous said...

Luke's bitchiness in Star Wars is a demarcation of his maturity and ability. As the trilogy progresses he becomes a stronger figure as he begins his Jedi training and faces his demons.

Anakin seems to become physcially and mentally stronger, but emotionally weaker. Which I believe is a trait consistent with tragic heroes.

The way each character's whineness plays on the screen identifies the actor's abilities. You are correct in that I can forgive Mark Hammill because I was a kid when I first saw the movies. It is harder for me, and for everyone else to forgive Hayden Christian because we are not kids anymore and are more critical of what we see. That is the biggest difference between the movies. Everyone is at a different point in his or her life from when the original trilogy came out. I am interested to know which movies my children think are the best. I sat them both down for a viewing of the original trilogy this weekend.

You can never start them out on Star Wars too young.

m said...


I concur with your analysis of Star Wars, and I disagree with the critics of Lucas who forgot about THX1138 and American Graffiti.

Lucas would be the first to admit that he is a visual storyteller as opposed to a literary one. The Star Wars movies are basically westerns in a different setting told with a Saturday-matinee style. They are steeped with visual references to old Samurai movies.

Now that the series is over, I've never been more convinced tht Lucas is a great director, and I'm excited to see what he takes on next.

kagroo said...

Holy Shit...someone call the press...for once...Jeff and I agree on this blog sight. A new alliance formed? Hmmmmmmm...the dark side clouds my vision...just kidding Jeff...