Thursday, May 12, 2005

Dave Chappelle, You So Crazy.

Wow...that was one of my more popular posts. In fact, I think it is the most popular one. Wow, the pressure. Now people are going to expect that kind of quality out of me each and every time now. What should I do? Will I break down? Can I handle the pressure? I'm not sure...I may have to commit myself into a mental health facility in South America...wait...somebody already did that. Dave Chappelle. Did you like that lead in...I am quite proud of myself.

Comedy Central has postponed season three of the Chappelle Show…twice. Apparently there is no say on whether or not it will ever see the light of day. It is not certain on why he did this. Of course the rumors are flying; drug rehab, mental break down, etc. I mean a fifty million dollar check would put a lot of pressure on anyone. I put pressure on myself to make people laugh and I do it for free…sometimes I even pay them to laugh at me. But do you want to know my theory? I think he is sick. I really do… sick of people coming up to him and saying, “I’m Rick James, bitch!” or asking “So do you like to piss on your wife too, just like you sang about when you made fun of R. Kelly?” I’d get sick of that too.

In all honesty, I see celebrities as people. So when I see them out in public I don’t go up and talk to them. Why? Because I don’t know them. I wouldn’t want random people I didn’t know coming up and talking to me. Why? Because I don’t know them. The press says that it’s part of their duties as being a celebrity. To please their fans and their audience. Nobody forced them to become actors and yes that is true, but they found something that they really enjoy doing. I know it's not brain surgery, but it's a job. I really don't care if "Britney washes her own car," or "Brad drinks coffee just like us." No shit, ya think, because I do the same thing. I'm just like them.

My point being is that pressure can be good, pressure can be bad. It's like drinking...a beer or two is good for the heart, but if you drink ten beers every day for a month, not so good. So Dave, I'm sure everyone and their mother has given you advice and suggestions...but fuck em. What do they know. If checking yourself into a mental institution is what floats your boat and will help you find peace, more power to you...bitch!


Anonymous said...

I have to say I am bummed out. I did not realize that they postponed the Chappelle show. I am bummed for me, not Dave Chappelle. Don't get me wrong, I hope he is OK, but my main concern is that he keeps pumping out episodes of his show. They are funny and socially poignant.

My concern for him as a person...not so much. Just like Dan said, he is a celebrity and he is just like you or me. I have sympathy or empathy, or whatever for him, but I am not going to shed a tear for him no more than I would shed a tear for anybody that I've never met nor ever heard of making an appearance in today's obituaries section of the newspaper.

People tend to feel sorry for Celebrities when they get into physical, mental, or criminal trouble. But when an average Joe such as you or me makes the news for crumbling under the pressure, no one cares.

I'm guessing that the reason why we all care is because we develop relationships with Celebrities. The reason people feel bad for Chappelle, or walk up to him and say, "I'm Rick James...Bitch!" is because they have developed a relationship. They watch him on tv, they think he is funny, and they connect with him on that level. However, one must stop to realize that Dave Chappelle has not made that connection with you. You are part of a mass audience, and he has already heard the joke.

I agree with Dan, celebrities do not owe us their autographs, their good modes or their time while they are out living their lives. They may get paid more than us, but they are just working stiffs like anyone else.

Anonymous said...

i really hope he does not come back with a big streak of religion in him.
just come back and make us chuckle please!