Thursday, May 19, 2005

The End of an Era...Or is it???

It is now 3:27 in the a.m. I know it's late because I'm listening to Stern... first run (they re-air it at six). That's always a bad sign. The next bad sign is when I can see the sun begin to shine through my window. Luckily, that won't be for a couple more hours.

Being born in 1977, I was never able to see all of the original Star Wars movies in the theater. I do remember seeing Return of the Jedi with my mom and brothers. I didn't know what was going on, but I loved it. Tonight marks the end of the new, original trilogy. It was everything that I had hoped for and more. Why? Well the main reason is that I was so sick of hearing people, mainly older friends, complain how badly episodes I and II were, that this one will hopefully put their foot in their mouth. With any story, there is an act I, II and III. I don't know what people expected. I'm sure they wanted Lucas to jump right to Darth Vader. When you look at it in the long run, everything makes sense. Lucas had his mind set and whether you want to accept it or not, they are there.

I could go on all night but I'm not. You can tell me that Jar-Jar Binks was a fucking waste of space. The love story was pointless. But this guy's not hearing it. So go out, enjoy the third movie. Don't fear it. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you. So stop it already. Why are you still reading this? GO!!!


kagroo said...

F.Y.I., if you scroll posts from me from the night/morning of May 18th. No spoilers.

qhunt said...

i wasn't a fan of I but i like II i am sure i will really like III because the dark side comes to the foreground. I will let you know.

Anonymous said...

I liked Episode I, there was just one major flaw with the movie. I didn't realize until recently that people didn't like Episode II. I watched Episodes I and II again within the last couple of weeks and the first movie was a lot better than I remembered. That one flaw just remained, but it was fine. Episode II was still great. There are style arguments, but you cannot argue with Lucas, in the end they are his films. If I was going to argue with him, but I won't, I may have started out with Anakin being a little bit older.

I have a question about Episode III, (which by the way was fabulous). The question is not a spoiler, but it is a question about the movie, so if you don't want to read it before you see it, then don't. (If you are going to answer this question, please don't spoil the movie with your answer, not for a week or two at least) I hate that shit.

Did anyone else see a ton of visual references to classic movies of all genres? Throughout the movie I would see things that would make me think of other movies. I don't know a whole lot about movies and therefore I suspect that if it was on purpose then there were a bunch more that I missed.

m said...


I love your audio posts. What a fantastic idea.

duff said...

i heard a rumor yesterday that lucas is going to make a prequel to episode I, instead of the sequel trilogy (episodes 7, 8, and 9) that was rumored to be in the works awhile back.

i'm all for it- i mean, what is there to look forward to now that III is out?

kagroo said...

They are going to be doing a half hour cartoon and a live action t.v. show that takes place between episode III and IV. As far as the movies before the prequels...that is rumors since Lucas said that he wants Lucas Films to branch out and do other movies.