Friday, April 08, 2005

Vagina Pack

Living in Las Vegas I get the courtesy of seeing many things; People passed out on the side walk at three a.m, homeless men throwing back change at people because it wasn't enough. But the one thing that I wish I didn't get to see are those damn fanny packs.

I see them on everyone. I see them on hot women, fat guys, little kids. It just won't end. And all I'm thinking to myself is, "Why are you wearing that?" In all honesty, I really don't see why they are that popular. Trust me, it's not that they look fucking stupid. I really don't see that little pouch holding a lot.

"Ok here hunny, we have our camera, our wallets, this mace, our keys, our coupon book, our sun tan lotion, our drugs, our beer, our car, our brains."

This is something that I thought would die out, like Pogs and Slammers, but it just wouldn't fade away. And then, I found something out about the word fanny. Something magical. Apparently in the United Kingdom, the word fanny is another word for Vagina. All of these years, we've been calling these things Vagina Packs. All of these years I've found these things stupid but once I found out the TRUE meaning, I fell in love with them. How could you hate fanny? I mean, fanny is what drives all men. I mean, you can never have enough fanny...or can you?


christine said...

let's just cut to the chase and call them pussy packs

kagroo said...

Pussy packs it is then.

Anonymous said...

I will try anything once, but I'm guessing that zipper is going to hurt.