Monday, April 04, 2005

I'll Take Two Adults and One, Two Month Old Baby Please...

I love nothing more then to go watch a movie by myself. Call me a loner, a rebel, but it's just what I like to do. There are a couple of things I don't like about going to a movie theater. The first thing I don't like is that I get there early and I will be the only person in the theater and then a couple will walks in. Out of all the seats in the theater, they decide to sit right behind me, pop corn asses and all. Not a row or two behind me...right behind me. I'm afraid that sometimes people don't feel comfortable unless they sit in groups, which is understandable. They aren't loners like me, and who wouldn't want to sit by me? I mean, come on, I reek of awesomeness.

The second thing I absolutley hate. HATE! HATE!! HATE!!! I hate when people decide it's a good idea to bring a baby to the movies. It's one thing if you have a two year old and a new born when you go see something along the lines of Shrek, cause lord knows there's going to be a ton of little kids running around and talking throughout the movie. It's expected, it's a kid's movie. What I don't like is when they bring a new born into a rated R movie. The funny thing is, they don't give a shit if the baby's crying throughout the movie. It's apparent that they don't really think much of other people or they wouldn't have brought the baby in the first place, so when it cries, why would they bring it out of the theater?

I don't understand why theater's allow this either. If it's because it would discriminating, then it's fucking stupid. It's not as if they had an immaculate consumption. They chose to make love, or fuck or whatever the kids call it these days. I don't feel bad if they've been at home for two weeks straight. Get a fucking babysitter. Put it up for adoptoin. Leave the baby in a cage. I don't care. Just don't bring it to the theater.


Sean said...

Oh man. Don't even get me started on what I don't like about going to the movies. Ah shit. You went and did it.

What I think is worse than loud babies that can't be quiet is loud adults that can't be quiet. And for some reason, whenever I go, I always get a front row seat to their obnoxious volume. It completely ruins the experience.

I think part of the reason why people always end up sitting right behind me and whoever I'm with when I go (yes, the same thing happens to me), is because I'm wildly attractive, and let's face it, who doesn't want to sit near a wildly attractive guy? I think wild attractiveness and awesomeoness go hand-in-hand, really.

No, to be completely honest, people just like to sit in the center and some not too far back, some not too close. That's my hypothesis, anyway.

Oh, FYI: Your April Fool's joke got me.

Sean said...


I hated you for it.

Anonymous said...

The last movie that I saw in the theatre was "The Far Side of the World" My wife was pregnant at the time. That was two years ago. Now when I get to the video store I don't recognize about 75% of the titles. Hollywood has lost me. When I was a kid my favorite part of going to a movie was watching the previews. I took in the previews as if they were homeworks assignments, or some devine command from an almighty power that I must see the movie. I loved it. That is all lost. Now I question why I devoted the two minutes of my time to the preview and wrench at the thought of devoting 90 minutes for the whole movie. Those who create movies must remember that it is their job to entertain, it seems that they have forgotten that and now take for granted that I am under their spell of glossy special effects and melodrama. I could go on, but I have gotten off point. The only thing worse than a shitty movie, is a shitty movie with a cyring baby, and therefore, for the benefit of everyone in agreement with Dan, I don't go anymore. I will find a babysitter for Star Wars, and for any movie that contains Dan's name in the credits.

Anonymous said...

I used to be one of those annoying jerks talking and asking questions during a movie until I taught how to enjoy a movie. Now I am unbeleivably annoyed by people that ask me questions during a movie or can't shut their mouths. If you need to comment, do it afterwards. Babies, are they nuts!!! How can anybody inculding themselves appreciate any movie. Boone, you have given me a new hope to go to the movies solo. Movies should be respected and appreciate, of course if they are worthy of my respect.

christine said...

i went to see sin city tonight. i recommend it. pertaining to the topic, people in the theater might want me dead because:

a) it is necessary for me to make funny and/or snarky remarks during the movie which i say loud enough for at least the people with me to hear.

b) i/we laugh our asses off when people die

c) i/we cheer when guys get beat down/up/to death. clapping, at times, occurs.

d) i usually spill popcorn

e) i often have to get up to go to the ladies room and have to squeeze past people i don't know.

f) i complain loudly about the movie if it sucks.

g) i am a 2 month old baby

m said...

Dude, great post. I've been spoiled in the past few years because my friends work at a movie theater, and sometimes they invite me to see the employee showings. That was heaven.

I look at it this way: movies are my life and my passion. I want to have a great experience when I watch a movie. Just like I need a good quality theather, I also need a good quality audience when I watch a movie. It all adds to the experience.

People like us are no different than people who enjoy food or wine or luxury. We're connoiseurs. We're movie aficionados.

kagroo said...


Not sure I'd ever...EVER see a movie with you. Wow...I'd throw my fist up in the air but keep on rocking. See whatever you long as you don't sit next to me. BOOYA.

Jeff...good man.

Randy, I'm glad you finally posted.

Dave...don't be afraid to let the peeps know who you are. We are all family here. Well not really but you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dan, I didn't try to hide, though it may have seemed that way seeing how I posted anonymously and I derided movies in general. I just fucked up and hit the wrong button.

qhunt said...

I can't agree more. I love going to movies by myself and people can't seem to understand that. I hold movie going experiences very highly. I don't want it to be ruined by my opinions clashing with the people I go with, so I go alone. Now that I am a daddy i would never take my 9month old son to a movie. I have accepted my station in life, part of that station is staying home and waiting for the movie to come out on video... that is just how it is for young married couples with kids. If their is a movie you MUST see in theaters (any Matrix movies, or the like) get a baby sitter and enjoy the movie, but most of all, let other enjoy it too. i say, good day to you.

good post Randy, it didn't even sound like you until you called Dan "Boone", only you call him that any more. crazy kid!
your friend on the other side, Quentin