Monday, May 01, 2006

May 1st, 2006

No matter how I write this, it will probably come off as bad but then I ever care? Today, May 1st, the day that is called...well I don't know. The media has been labeling it so many names that I will call it, "The Celebration of Illegal Immigrant Day." I mean, from what I understood, today is the day where both legal and illegal immigrants took the day off of work and school to show that they have rights. The illegal immigrants have lived and worked in America for a long time and this means that they deserve to become citizens...right? I'd have to say no.

As open-minded as I am about most things, I even surprised myself that this is how I feel. Maybe it's because of the over exposure to it all and I tend to go the opposite way when someone is spoon feeding me or maybe it's the fact that as much as I feel that the law can be manipulated and bent to one's liking, I still feel that there are rules that need to be followed. Do I find tales of traveling in a raft in shark infested water for days, leaving their family behind to find something better in America to be a motivational story? Yes I do because it's got to be so fucked up back in their country that death is a better option then living in their country. But I have to say that when they get shipped back, I don't feel sad for them.

The reason I don't like watching the news or reading the paper is because they pick and choose what sounds good or what will get them ratings. Even though it is researched and the facts are accurate, the writer still has a way of pushing you into the direction that he or she wants to. Shit, I do it every time I write. An example I found was from Yahoo News
"Illegal immigrant Ray Martinez pays taxes, shops at local stores and works 12-hour days in this rich farming region known as America's Salad Bowl, where about 75 percent of the nation's lettuce grows." The thing I find funny about this quote is that it says he is both illegal and pays taxes. What the author does not mention is what kind of taxes he pays considering he shops and when you buy something there is a sales tax. Sales tax is a type of tax so that would make this right, Ray does pay taxes. That has to be the only tax he pays unless I am way fucking wrong, which I'll admit if I am because I don't see how the paperwork for him to pay taxes could be legal if he is an illegal immigrant.

In all honesty, I have to say that I didn't mind that today happened considering that they are building condo's right outside of my window and it wakes me up at 7 a.m every day and today you could hear a pin drop and as cool and patriotic the yelling immigrants were on TV and the protesters to the protesting chanting "Go back to Mexico!" made my day go by a little bit faster, I have to say that when it's all said and done I feel that just because you put the time in, doesn't mean that you deserve the prize. I'm a struggling writer, who knows that I have potential to write great things but just because I write all the time, doesn't give mean I deserve a book deal. Ok, wait, I do deserve one. Forget what I just said in the last couple of sentences. The point I was trying to make is that if you walk around, strutting your shit, demanding you deserve to be here, just make it legal. Comprende?


christine said...

this shit is so fucked up. the US gov't isn't even saying, 'get out.' they are saying, 'hey, come on over to this office and get a green card, you stupid fucking piece of shit.'

oops - that last part was me being emotional. it's just not safe to have these people running around without documentation; fake driver's licenses, fake or stolen tax id numbers, fake, fake, fake, fake, fake. when our people came here, they got some it's time for the new set to do the same damn thing. retards

Anonymous said...

Okay you guys, tiene que dejar de pelar los imigrantes!!!!!

m said...

Here in LA those protests proved two things:

1. During the protests, the traffic was way better. While they were staying home from work, there were fewer drivers on the road. The rest of us were arriving to work in record time that day. Plus, without the illegals, there were fewer uninsured drivers on the road.

2. The businesses hurt worst by the protests were the ones in the Latino neighborhoods.

Neither of those facts helped their cause.