this whole contest.
Without knowing these people, the pictures could come across as a guy flipping off another guy. That's still funny since I'm such a fan of the middle finger but there is something more to these. A sense of innocence being tainted. A sense that right when you think that everything's gonna be alright, someone is giving you the bird behind your back. A deep metaphor for society today (that sounds like an answer I would give on a English exam).
These were taken last year when I went back to Kalamazoo to visit

my grandparents, also known as the two week binger. The guy in the orange shirt, Brett, is one of my oldest and closest friends. I've known him since the days of AYSO soccer. He's probably one of the nicest and innocent guys out there. When I say innocent, I
mean that his personality is very relaxed and chill and that when
people do mean things to him, you can't help but laugh because
it's such a terrible act.
The other guy doing the flipping is my friend Mike. He too is a nice guy but with a real dark side. I won't dare describe his dark side in fear that one day something evil will happen to me, like falling down and spiders crawling down on my face and those spiders start eating my face and I can't move. Oh the humanity.
When you put these two together, the hilarity ensues. In one night, I was able to catch three acts of Brett being viciously attacked by the middle finger. Brett's love for life or ignorance to it, allowed him to not become a victim to such a terrible thing. I of course paid close attention, watching the Lion prepare to strike on it's next meal. Brett doesn't even know. Look behind you Brett!!! Turn your head!!!

These were pictures that I was looking for. Capturing experiences with your friends at a bar. Not the "Ok, everyone smile," pictures, but the random acts. I am not a huge fan of posed pictures and if you have ever taken one with me, I'm sure I fucked it up on purpose. Hopefully in the future, if I ever attempt a contest again, I hope that you, the readers have a better understanding of what I was going for. Until that time...middle fingers to you all.
mine was full of boob. i don't understand how i lost
Of course...everyone is going to like the pictures that they sent...but in the end...I'm the one with the final say.
What the hell...there was a post by doc and it's gone so now my comments make no sense....shit.
Uhhhh....Dan? That post by Doc is still there. It says, "I still like the one that I sent... Even if it was an after-bar picture... And it originated from you."
And then there's one that says, "I have paranoid delusions about Republicans."
Well I'm glad you liked the video none the less even if I wasn't crowned the victor... people do crazy things at bars and it's the cannid pictures that make it worth going again.
I recently ventured out with friends to a club near by... they have these enormous screens that they have music videos on usually. This night though they were displaying pictures that had been taken on previous nights... it's the people in the backround that I mused over.
Good times... with always more to come.
It doesn't say it on my computer...Nate's theory proves strong on this one.
I don't have any digital bar pictures. My one good standard film format bar picture is buried deep somewhere in an unknown drawer in my house. But I'm not making excuses for not particpating. I want to put an end to the political commentary. Here is the final end all political comment, so true and accurate that it requires no response.
Republicans are evil, and Democrats are too stupid to do anything about it or anything else. Neither party is worth two shits, and I suggest making a run for old Mexico.
dave, good call. the least amount of government, governs best. I will stand by that saying whole-heartedly. I think governments role should not exceed fixing the roads, adequate military protection from invasion and providing moderate care for the severly disabled i.e. Todd Hunt and the like. Other than that, let people make their own decisions, money, life, etc.
OK, sorry Kagroo, way off the subject. I am sorry I didn't send any quality pictures. I leave bring a camera to the bar up to the ladies, and sissies like you. suck on that! bood-e-cow!!
well considering when you read qhunt...it sounds like a bad word...I don't really take insults from you too personally. You should just get a purse while you're at it.
i love these times!
my middle finger reminds us all that we must stay observant even when our guard is down and we are surrounded by friends.
Dave... you don't need digital dude. If all you have is film (cause that's all I use) go to your local developer and ask for your pictures to be printed on a cd (as well as your regular request if that's photos) then just pop it into your comp. I'm a student and can't afford those nice cameras, hell the one I have is pretty nice but the only reason I have it is cause I found it in a parking lot.
As for the bringing a camera to the bar... ya I don't. Not all girls do this, and ya if I saw a guy with one I'd yell stalker and run. Well perhaps that's moreso for clubs... too much movement for remembering to bring all my belongings with me at the end of the night.
Your middle finger was very camera friendly...unlike some people we know.
I found two last night. No wait, I found one bar picture, one great random picture, and then remembered a second bar picture that I looked for, but did not find. Then I tried to fire up the computer scanner that I have not used in two years so that I could scan the pictures into my computer and email them to you. But I never downloaded the scanner software after my computer last crashed. But then I read comments today, Miss Ams ranting about creepy guys with cameras in the bar reminded me of when I begged a waitress to let me take her picture and she refused. I did it on purpose to freak her out. Then when she wasn't expecting it I took her picture anyway. She was pissed. I'm sure if it wasn't for the large tip she was sure to receive from the large group of people sitting at my table, I probably would have been thrown out of the bar. I took that picture with my digital camera, and therefore it should be on my computer somewhere. But it is not a "great" bar picture.
The bottom line is, I've got two good bar pictures that I am trying to send, but they are in the standard film format taken long before digital cameras were widly available. My scanner is down, in that I don't use it anymore and have to now find the software before I will know if it even works anymore. I don't care if the contest if over or not, I will get them to you. I simply need more time.
Kagroo, ok you sicko, my name is my name, it is not meant to be a bad work. I don't use that abreviation becuase I think it says a bad word, I use it because people call me Q and my last name is Hunt. What's it to ya?!
Hey...i'm not the one who thought that. I've had two people comment to me about that. So I can't help it if your name sounds like that. I really can't.
Oh Dave... ya I don't know what's up with people and pictures. I was out with some girls one night and this guy that none of us would ever go for walked in. He was tall, dark and handsome, but also had a strong resemblence to who the Bible pictures as the character Samson (yes Delilah found him attractive but she had ulterior motives) we however found him not so good looking.
I rarely back down from a dare so when the girls wanted a picture of him to laugh about later and convinced me to go get one with him... ya that's right I did it. I've never felt so awkward sitting next to a man, and he did not like his picture being taken. Well my story for getting it wasn't convincing, and not flattering (no I didn't tell him he looked like someone from the Bible) but needless to say, I also got my picture so cheers to you Dave for taking a chance and you better've left a good tip. Hope it was worth it.
It is a same people can't have last name like Hunt any more without people telling you the same stupid "jokes" over and over. Luckily I really don't have many people comment on the dirty word part of QHunt very often. only about 3-4 people in my past. I guess I can let it slide
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