Many years ago I sat in my house on a late summer night. Clearly bored, but essentially sober I decided that the best thing I could do was go for a run. This wasn’t a twilight run, or even a midnight run. This was an approximately 2:00 in the morning run. My only explanation for running at such an hour is to request that you realize and accept that sometimes young men will make rash, seemingly nonsensical decisions to prove their own prowess to themselves. I can only assume that going for a several mile run in the middle of the night was probably the result of some such determination on my own part.
As I ran down the essentially deserted street I saw, projected on the street in front of me, the lights of an approaching vehicle coming from behind. I may have hugged the shoulder of the street a little closer to the trees on the side of the road and left the driver the entirety of his lane, but I otherwise made no thought for the pickup truck that quickly passed me by and slipped out of my view into the nighttime road ahead.
I thought more of it a minute or two later when another vehicle appeared down the street traveling towards me. This vehicle was moving much slower than the last, and as it got closer I noticed a familiarity to the truck. I did not recognize the approaching pickup truck, but as it got closer to pass, it slowed to a near crawl as the driver careened his head and watched me pass. It was dark and I could not see well. I was a little spooked at the truck, and my mind tried to process what the driver’s thoughts could be. Obviously the most logical explanation for such an action is that the driver had to slow down to properly contemplate why a jackass was running down the road in the middle of the night. But as the truck passed, I became a little more unnerved realizing or at least believing that it was the very truck that passed me only minutes before going in the other direction. At this point all logic escape my thought processes. This guy passed me going East and turned around to pass me going West as well. I tried to convince myself that it wasn’t the same truck that passed me twice, but simply a coincidence that two white pickup trucks of the same make and model just happened to be the first two vehicles to pass me on my now clearly ill-conceived late night run.
This theory was quickly disproved as within another minute I could see and hear another vehicle approaching from behind. I turned around to determine what and who was approaching me, and I soon discovered that it would be same truck passing me for the third time. Now, clearly being stalked, I panicked. I turned and ran directly into the trees along the side of the road. I hide among these trees while the truck pulled up to where I departed the street and came to a stop. Left to my own thoughts for the next few seconds, I was certain I was headed for some trouble, and really only contemplated my best route for escape, and the closest house in which I could find refuge from the madman that at this point surely desired only to beat and murder me.
As I crouched there, looking about for the path that must surely be there, the passenger window of the truck rolled down slightly as the driver leaned across the bench seat and in a confused and yet truly inquisitive voice, questioned to the trees in which I was hiding, “David, is that you?”
To this point I had been utterly unable to recognize the driver of the truck. The darkness prevented me from seeing anything beyond a general shape of a person in the driver’s seat of the vehicle. But the voice, the voice was none other than the good Doctor’s.
As I stumbled out of the brush into the open I replied out, “Yeah Nate, it’s me.”
You should know that the Doctor was quite concerned that I needed some help, and knew that I definitely required a ride. He insisted that I permit him to return me home, or help with some car trouble I must have certainly encountered. I simply explained that I had embarked on a late night run and would return home by foot at its conclusion.
I don’t remember if Nathan convinced me that I was being a dumbass and drove me home, or if he decided to acquiescence to my desire to continue the run, but in any event I appreciated the thought and concern. And for that thought and concern so many years ago, I thank you Doc.
Dave, such a web of suspence you weave. Though, as soon as i heard "white truck" i knew it was the good Doc. Doc is definately a guy you want on your side. He is not neutral, he is either with you or against you. If I am talking about of my bung-hole, someone please correct me. Through the years, that is my best assessment of the man we call Doc.
dan, are you making Dave do your dirty work now?
No, Q. I've just got some things to say and Dan has been kind enough to share them with all of you.
I've really enjoyed your posts, Dave. Thanks for sharing these introspective reflections with us. I am one of those damned fools that is always trying to be clever, rather simply telling the story with simplicity and honesty, which is what you've done. Good on yer, mate.
But let this be a lesson to the rest of you's: Never accept a ride from someone at 2 am...nothing good ever happens at that hour, especially with that guy.
And, am I the only one who is utterly perplexed by the Boom Boom Mancini deal? Short drive down 94...wife...loves Zevon, hates Kravits...knows the Doc...boxing reference for a handle...I feel like I'm being set up.
Like I Have anything to do. If you haven't noticed, Dave hasn't been with us for awhile. I wrote him an email telling him that he was missed and that should come back. Now I can't stop this kid from writing.
Quaig...I'm still waiting for something from you but I'm a patient man.
"Ah'm gonae need moor tyme, cap'n!"
I'll see what I can do...
I would not overlook the probability that mancini's handle is more of a Zevon reference rather than a true boxing reference.
And that he has a leather couch.
Oh, and Quaig, you are clearly being set up.
I told everyone that the Doc was more awesomer than you might realize and now this infernal Dave has set out to spin the tale of its truth.
Tyler Durdin exists, but only for those of you willing to believe. Quaig is the only one of you that I do not actually know.
Now I've become full of myself and have revealed that I am a jackass. Oh, Poor Poor Pitiful Me.
Goodbye my sweets, I'll be watching.
while hitchhiking one night, my friend jay got picked up by my neighbor, old man mcguiness. mr. mcguiness put the neighborly moves on jay, but he didn't want to get out b/c it was raining. yada yada yada, mcguiness died shoveling his driveway about five years ago. the lesson learned here is - don't shovel your driveway.
Tyler Durden exists in every man. He is the alter ego, the fantasy... the epitome of the self every man bored with reality wishes he possessed.
And in Fight Club, the narrator never even had a name, did he?
The alter ego is more exciting.
Keep 'em guessing, Boom Boom.
I Googled 'Boom Boom Mancini,' and all I came up with is that it was the name of an old boxer, and Warren Zevon wrote a song about him. Perhaps everyone else already knew that.
The narrator of Fight Club was named 'Jack', and spoke of him self in third person several times throughout the film.
"I am Jack's jealous rage..."
'the machinist' had the same twist at the end as fightclub and was not as entertaining along the way. i hate watching movies that are rip offs of another. so there's your non recommendation for the day.
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