The first reason is a two part answer; Why pay to rent this when I own it and why rent this on my account when there is a chance of late fees? The second reason is that I figured it would be a good lead way into getting to know the director on a more personal level. "Oh, hey thanks for letting me borrow those DVD’s, let’s talk about movies." It's been a year and a half since I let him borrow it and it still is not in my possession.
The life lesson I learned is "Don't lend things to people." I should have known better. I've lent out DVD’s to two people in the past and they both got fired from their job. I was to never see them again or my DVD's. I've also let someone borrow the new Weezer c.d. and that same day she was fired for stealing money from the company. What the fuck is wrong with me? I've emailed him, I've had dinner with him and I've even worked with him for two months and still nothing. So I'm writing this...
David O'Malley, I want my DVD's back!
I don't care if you send them on a boat, a goat, on career pigeons or use a catapult. If I don't get them back soon, I fear that the McCauley Curse will be heading your way and you will be fired from all jobs. We can't have that, now can we (Evil laugh)?
guess what? i read scripts for greenlight when it first started up b/c they had advertised it on HBO, which i used to pay for (and no longer do so i don't have it). the ones is was assigned all sucked, but it was interesting.
PS - someone from high school still has my Sundays cd. and i still miss it
Damn,ain't the world confusing? And so friggin' ironic. I actually borrowed your Project Greenlight DVD set as an excuse to get to know YOU. Everyone had been telling me that you were this incredibly talented guy and I should hang out with you and learn a thing or two. (I had already seen Project Greenlight. I didn't need to torture myself again.) But we were both so incredibly busy that we never had any time to hang out. So I decided to just hang onto your Project Greenlight DVD set, keeping it out of your hot hands until you finally got up enough gumption to get your butt out to L.A. When you finally do, Dan Man, we'll hang out, drink beer, talk movies... and, maybe, just maybe, I'll give ya the damn DVD set back. After I look at it.
What you don't realize is that DVD has a bug in it and I've been listening to your conversations the last year and a half. I have so much dirt on you right now, it's not even funny.
And David...by posting on my blog, you've just tripled the amount of people who view your website. That's how much power I have. Shazam!
Never and I mean Never lend out any form of media to a person that doesn't a)live with you b) see you on a daily basis c)work with you. You may has well throw the lending object into a black hole. I lent out a complete Metallica tablature book of the Black Album to a friend in college, when I tried to get it back he said (I kid you not) "my dog ate it". Then he moved to Chicago!! are you serious? "my dog ate it" is all he could come up with. He truly has never had his dog eat anthing of importance or he would not have used such a lame excuse. Point is, live and learn.
I may never play 'Roam' on guitar correctly again! "And the dust in throat...." What's the next words? see? see what i mean? I need that book!!
Q, you really shouldn't be playing Metallica riffs on your guitar.
Look at the can of worms we've opened up with this, Dan Man. Now everybody is gonna want their borrowed stuff back. It'll create this huge shift of material weight all across our nation as tons of borrowed crap goes flying back to original owners. Such a weighty shift could disturb the San Andreas fault, resulting in massive earthquakes, eruption of volcanos, a huge tidal wave that will destroy the coastlines of the continents, trigger greater global warming and likely throw the earth off its axis and destroy all life as we know it. A small price to pay to get your wacky little DVD back. I can now see clearly that it is my responsibility to mankind and the very survival of the earth to return your DVD to you as quickly as possible. And it is your responsibility to halt this madly escalating obsession with everyone returning tons of borrowed crap to rightful owners. We must save the earth! We must save humanity! Wow. This is critical. I promise I'll look at the DVD right away! Tonight! Or... next Wednesday.
So my master plan has finally come into play...I call it...End Game (No I didn't rip it off from the X-Files and if I did, just remember that Chris Cater stole the X-Files concept from The Nightstalker...not the remake on ABC that has been canceled).
I plan on destroying this Earth, the main reason why I started writing on this...to bring everyone to their feet. But wait, is this what I really want? Am I capable of such destructing and I answer you with this...Yes. I am.
Doc...you gave that to me because you felt that I really had to see it. Besides my family, you've been my number one supporter. Yes, I did say that. Shout Out. Lets get Pissed!
kagroo - A little off topic, but what's Kalamazoo? all about?
Any info you have will be here...any other questions I'm sure that Mr. O'Malley would be happy to answer.
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