Did you ever wonder who won the Christmas Card competition? No? Crap. Well I better tell you anyway...it was your's truly. Thank you guys so much for the victory. I was worried there for a second but on Christmas Eve I got two more cards to put me over the top and this year's VICTOR!!! Someone sent me a mother's card and I was worried that he had sent me the wrong one and his mom got a card saying, "Merry Christmas Mother Fucker." After a frantic call to him, I found out that it was all a trick. I never forget so watch your back.
Lorraine created a new category this year which was "Best Card." Jeff won that by sending a Yoda x-mas card. There's a high chance that you would win that every year if you sent a Star Wars related card.
I got a lot of fantastic gifts this year, including the War of the Worlds TV show from the late 80's (It's very badass and I used to watch it on Saturday's on channel 50). If I had to pick a favorite gift I'd have to say that it was the One-zie that a friend sent to me.

Let me tell you that this isn't a novelty present that I would only once so I wouldn't feel guilty. This motha fucka is awesome. It's like wearing a very warm, comfortable blanket around your body the whole time. I suggest that not only should you keep growing your beards, but get one of these as fast as possible. You wouldn't regret it.

To top it all off, I had a friend send me a Thank You card for the gifts I had sent. It wasn't enough to call and say, "Thank you," but she had to write it out and spend the postage. Some guys may find this pointless, but I'm all about the little things. I wonder if her husband signed the card himself or if she did a bit of the magical wife signing?
All in all I had a great Holiday. It was the first time in many years where I had the X-Mas cheer. I look forward to next year and the good things it will bring me. I also look forward to defending my title and with a little help from my friends, everything will be just fine.
Dan, I am glad I could aid in your victor! I am glad you included our Christmas card in the picture. great one-zie, I see those things all the time, Gibby loves them!
now we need a picture of you in the onesie.
ps - my parents always called them footie pajamas
that is for private use only...can't let something like that leak out.
Speaking of leaks, is that a stain on your one-zie?
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