I'm giving everyone the heads up that there will not be any new posts for awhile. I'm sick and I may have tonsillitis. I'm going to give myself one more day before I go to the doctor just to make sure but it's not looking so good. To all the people that are chasing their dreams...this is when dreams aren't cheap. Insurance...what's that? Well maybe I'll just move to Canada. No stupid posts on you hoping I feel better...you are my friends...I know this...so please don't make those comments. I'll be back soon.
UPDATED on August 30, 2005. For some strange reason, people wanted to see a picture of me and how I look. I guess cause I told them how shitty and scary I looked. I have been known to take "funny" pictures and I wish this was the case. This is an honest to god's natural posed picture. You gotta love sickness. Oh yeah...FUCK YOU STREP THROAT.
I'm sorry that you are sick Dan... I hope you feel better soon.
Gee, Dan, if you want to see a doctor tomorrow then Canada is not the place to go. It may take you more than a month to get in to see one, even if you need critical, life-saving surgery. That's why many Canadians come to America for health care.
Socialized healthcare: it looks good on paper; it's not good in practice.
Strep Throat mother fuckers. I feel like shit. Imagine blisters on your tonsils. Imagine not being able to sleep more then five minutes last night because when I swallowed, I woke up due to pain. In all honesty, it wasn't too much. It was under two hundred bucks for the visit, the anti-biotics and pain medicine. If you think about it, and have to pay for it, for me that would be thirty bucks every two weeks...so I got it cheaper. Go figure.
I agree with J,. nationalized health care is a terrible idea. I know plenty of Canadians, it sucks.
Besides, would you like to give 60% of you check to the government so they can tell you when to go to a doctor!~ oh yeah, dan, i don't really care if you feel better or not, i just want more posts!!!
Well buddy...I'm trying. It seems that i'm always being tested on patience...which is a good thing. I'm not saying it's God but it's something. I am so far behind now on the website start up that it really sucks. Patience though. I'll have a real one up soon...a real post since I won't be working for the next three days.
Drink whiskey. Trust me... I'm a doctor.
Mmmhmm, I just had that a few weeks ago. It's GRRREAT! The pain is just wonderful and the little pus pockets on the throat are like an added bonus!
You're so lucky. My favorite part was waking up with tonsils the size of a small toe. Oh the joys...
Oh, and the whiskey doesn't work Dr. Doc. I've tried. But it does make it a little easier to deal with after about 6 shots.
"In the part of this universe that we know there is great injustice, and often the good suffer, and often the wicked prosper, and one hardly knows which of those is the more annoying."
- Bertrand Russell
I was happy to get pain killers. I had never gotten them before, even when I got my wisdom teeth out, they just gave me stronger motrin, so here was my chance. This is what happened instead.
I have been seeing things. It's kind of fucked up because I would wake up and in my sick brain, this computer room has become an assembly line and they are building things in here. The weird thing they are building??? Time. THey are building time and everytime I look at the alarm clock the time doesn't move because they are using it.
Needless to say I've stopped taking them.
so are you saying all it takes is strong motrin to produce time travel? brilliant!!
Or a fever. I'm still trying to figure it out. Last night I was tired but couldn't fall asleep. Those people were back again in my room but this time they wanted to listen to Stern. In fact they all had their Sirius boxes to listen to Satalite but Stern isn't on Sirius yet. It was pissing me off to the point where I thought to myself that this room gives me a bad vibe. I went to the couch and did not sleep and went back to the room and they were gone. I left Stern off so there wouldn't be a reason for them to come back.
or it's a haunted bedroom. I haven't worked in four days. This is the most time I have ever taken off work for being sick. It's kind of fucked up because I don't work on Sunday and I have no fucking intentions on working on Monday, though I don't think they know that yet. If there is a choice of working in hell or feeling like hell I would go for the working in hell but I wasn't so lucky this time. This time I have to play the cards I'm dealt but I'm so fucking tired right now that I don't want to play anymore.
I actually smiled today. I wasn't feeling that great but I still smiled which I haven't done in three days. Other things I haven't done; ate any real food like bbq chicken or a big ass steak, thought about sex, worked, been able to sleep but yet, I can still type alright. What's up with that? I think i'm trapped in here somewhere.
Fuck smiling. I don't want this to be a happy recovery story cause this sucks. I don't see how anyone could have escaped it. I guess I always have to one up people and try to get sicker then the rest. I WIN.
Don't forget your 1000mg of C!
I agree. I'm turned on. I want to lick your pussy tonsils.
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