Now I don't remember his name but we'll call him Gary. He looks like a Gary doesn't he? Gary asked if I could take a picture of him to put on the net. He didn't ask where, he just wanted it on the net. He gave me his street address and said that he didn't care what kind of girl it was. Fat, skinny, ugly...as long as she came over. I took the picture without even looking at him. You can see to the left my hair. I didn't even see the final picture until later on that night when I was drinking on some railroad tracks (that's a whole different story)and realized that I'm a natural at taking pictures...of evil. He was happy and left me alone...or so I thought.
Gary tapped me on my shoulder again and asked if I was going to do it. I said yes. He then told me that if anyone showed up, he would give me fifty bucks. Now remember, he doesn't know my name, he doesn't know who I am but that's the face I have. I have the face of a trust worthy man, in fact I should run for President someday. Hmmm...I have suddenly become a pimp. I don't feel like a pimp on those rap videos. I don't feel pimp juice running through my veins.
I later found out that this guy is crazy. "No shit Dan, I mean look at him." No, I mean he really is crazy. After days of contemplating, I figured I better put this on my blog so he doesn't track me down and ask me why I didn't put it on the net. So if any of you ladies out there want to have a good time...go to the gutter slums of Kalamazoo and call out Gary. I'm sure he will come out from behind a dumpster, after finishing up on a freshly killed rat and show you a fantastic time. Take you dancing, to a Satan worshipping benefit, you get the drift. Oh yeah, when you do eventually do this, I mean you kind of have to cause he's so damn charming, tell him Dan sent ya...he'll know exactly who that is.
You should have asked for the cash upfront.
Well Dave in situations like that...I kind of just humored him so he'd leave me alone.
Oh yeah...he's hot. I'll have to keep him in mind.
You should have at least gotten a free drink in exchange.
this is gary's cat
and this is gary's dog
I don't know which pet sucks more? only time will tell.
Dan, i remember this guy. he was creeping me out. I usually don't get too creeped by random people like this but this guy was an exception. you said "he is crazy" you have a really really good chance of being right. he was sitting at the same table as a former patient of mine....CRAZY!! I didn't want to say anything at the time(confidentiatlity) but now that we are not there any more, you can know the truth.
Thank you for putting my pic online bro. The ladies are all feeling my stare boring into their souls. I have become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds!
i don't have a soul, you're just staring at my chest
and what a nice soul you have.
That guy is a real fucking piece of shit!
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