Monday, June 13, 2005

24 Hours of the Foo...

WARNING: Do to the amount of sleep I had and the Foo Fighters 24 hour show, this blog may either blow your mind or make you scratch your head. Either way, you will read.

On Saturday MTV2 had the Foo Fighters on for twenty four hours straight and even though there were times when they took a nap or a shower, they were in the studio the whole time. It's kind of fucked up in a way because while I was watching it for eight hours in a row, (I had to work...thank god for vcr's) I just figured that all bands do this...which they don't. So in a way it was yet another moment I shared with the band. I know it sounds stalkerish and it is. I won't deny that. You won't find me hanging out in front of their houses, with the rare Japanese single, asking for an autograph...well not anymore...not since the restraining order...long story.

My point being is that I really don't have one, but I can see why people can have that perspective of actually knowing the band or a movie star. They share intimate moments in their lives with you, a.k.a. as the audience and you can relate, connect. I'm tired...really tired...the 24 hour thing wore me out. Buy that shit on will be good...I promise you and I don't give my approval on just anything or anyone. And for the record...they are not paying me to's just things I do when I believe in something. It's always good to have faith and believe in something or someone.

I guess what it comes down to is that people tell me that when they think of the robot (the dance) they always think of me. When they think of a very, passionate lover, they think of me (well I made that up). And when they hear the Foo Fighters, they think of me and I take pride in that cause that ain't such a bad gig to have.


Anonymous said...

When I think of an expecially disturbed mental patient I think of you.

kagroo said...

I'll kill you Dave. You and your family.

Anonymous said...

I have a negative balance in my bank acct and a loan payment due soon, but yet I do believe I will find myself buying the foo fighters cd. Although I do not listen to them very often that cd will be the only thing I will hide carefully when the bank comes to take everything I own. This cd must hold the secret to life as we know it since you have sold your soul to them. Thank You for all the shameless advertising and for installing the guilt inside me if I do not buy thier cd.

Anonymous said...

I think a better investment would be with Alanis Morisette. She recently became a United States citizen and sang the "Star Spangled Banner" at Game 1 of the NBA finals.

Did you know that "Jagged Little Pill" was the biggest selling female solo album of all time?

This is me singing:
"I've got one hand in my pocket, the other on my piano."

Now that's good stuff!

Anonymous said...

When you say "family" does that mean my parents, brothers and sisters, or does it mean my wife and kids?

I would like to know simply because it will help me in deciding how much and for how long I should continue to torment you.

kagroo said...

Come on know that your brother and sister wouldn't cause much pain...especially a way he's already dead inside. I'd only be doing him a favor.

You know what really bothers me about that "Ironic" song that Alanis sings is that most of the cases aren't really ironic situation. I hate that.

Paperboy...guilt is what I do best.

Anonymous said...

Ironically I have tried to explain to people in the past that the situations in that song are not in fact ironic, but more pathetic or perhaps tragic, to which the usual response is: "Yes they are to ironic."

To which I say: "R2 is a Star Wars character, not a participle."

To which they then say: "You are such a fucking geek."

Then I bring out the: "And you are hot, do you want to fuck?"

"Yes, right now."

And then I lay some major pipe. Can anyone question I love Alanis Morisette?

kagroo said...

It's like meeting the man of your dreams and then meeting his wife...why are we tainting this with her. She's alright and all...but fuck her...and butt fuck her.

Anonymous said...

She is not getting the best of you, is she Dan?

kagroo said...

I got another confeesion to make...I'm your fool. Everyone's got their chains to break...holding you. Were you born to resist...or be abused? she doesn't. It's like ten thousand spoons when all I need is a knife.

Anonymous said...

Are you gone and onto someone new?
I needed somewhere to hang my head
Without your noose
You gave me something that I didn’t have
But had no use
I was too weak to give in
Too strong to lose
My heart is under arrest again
But I break loose
My head is giving me life or death
But I can’t choose
I swear I’ll never give in
I refuse
Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole
You’re so much braver than I gave you credit for

christine said...

alanis morisette blows satan's cock --- which might actually be a plus in the book for you guys. and rolling stone gave the foo's new album a horrible review. i recommend the new white stripes. good stuff.

kagroo said...

Oh yeah...cause we should believe everything what that magazine says...the magazine that has four actual pages of articles and the rest are advertisments.

I like the White Stripes and all but by saying their record is better then the new Foo Fighters is...a slap in my are the weakest link...good bye.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I would get into a serious argument with Dan over the artistic quality of the new Foo Fighters album. He is crazy, crazy like some fucked up crazy guy.

I strongly recommend deferring to Dan. If you want to debate with him, you must compare them to an artist with no real artistic merit, such as Alanis Morissete. This will allow Dan to win the argument and prove that the Foo Fighters are the best band of all time, save perhaps Nirvana. And yes, it is a plus that she sucks the Devil's cock. A real plus.

Anonymous said...

I should probably work today. But I wanted to ask how the full length album is. I'm sure that Dan has already worn out the first CD's he purchased, what with it having been out for about 7 hours now.

I also wanted to concur with Dan in that there is no reason whatsoever to read Rolling Stone. You might as well grab a People and National Inquirer while you are at it.

I am personally holding out until the next Michael Jackson album. If he had gone down I was predicting hard core rap, but now that his freedom is secure I am waiting for some frilly songs about how evil Tom Sneddon is, or whatever his name is.

kagroo said...

Well, for the first time ever, I got up early and was at Best Buy before they opened waiting for the album. It wasn't that it wouldn't have been there later but I had been waiting for a long time. I go in there, searching for the two disc, double sided album (with documentary and 5.1 version of the album, something I really didn't need, but wanted) but to my suprise they didn't have that version. So I bought the normal version for ten bucks. TEN BUCKS. That's five bucks for each disc so I was happy and I looked around at the dvd's but couldn't find anything. So I opened the disc, knowning that I was going to see if Circuit City had the special disc I wanted. Why? I'm retarded...especially since Circuit City was five minutes away. I think deep down I was hoping Circuit City didn't have it cause I hate that store.

I walk into the store and go to the new music section. They had the normal version and before I leave, I walk over to the Rock section of the store, fingering through the Foo Fighters c.d.'s and look what I's the version I wanted. Suprisingly enough, it was only fifteen bucks. So I bought it. I now have two versions of the c.d. but I called my brother and told him I had a gift for him. I have yet to make it to the acoustic side yet. The rock side is fucking awesome. Usually it takes me a couple of songs to get used to it and enjoy it, but so far, so fucking good. I hope that answers your question Dave.

One more gotta love a song called Hell. "See you in hell."
I also have to say that Dave does make a good point. Why come to a place where it's so obvious that someone likes it and then tells them something negative about it? Geez...Next thing Chritine's gonna say is that the Pistons suck and they are worthless....well I say...Bring on the bring on.

Anonymous said...

Well I for one am glad that the album lives up to the hipe. I will try to catch the Hell song.

Right now I really want to buy,

Electric Six

and at least two others that I cannot think of right now. I am resisting the urge to spend more money. But I really want the Gorillaz and Electric Six.

As for the Pistons, I predict that they will redeem themselves tonight. We shall see, we shall see.

kagroo said...

only time will tell.

christine said...

i've been thinking about checking out the gorrilaz, myself. and thinking. and thinking. i bought the willowz instead. --- maybe next week.

ok, and i'll go ahead and agree with the statement that RS is not the best source for reviews. i'll keep my big whore mouth shut until i listen to it.

kagroo said...

Christine, that's why you are ALWAYS welcome here at the corner bar. God bless you. God bless everyone. Detroit one today as well...Fucking A. Grow that mullet out and rock.

Anonymous said...

DETROIT!!! Fuck yes! I knew it. Now they've got to go to work.

I have not heard the complete new Gorillaz album, but the original is amazing. What I've heard on the new one is too. Therefore I would suggest that when you go to pick up the Foo you invest in a little Gorillaz too.

kagroo said...

I am biased because this has been my favorite post. It is sad to see it go away, like your first born going away to college. Knowing they'll be ok on themselves, but feeling you can always do more for them.

Anonymous said...

Let Go, by John Doe was my favorite post.

While I liked the "I Give Myself" poem better, there is something about the Let Go that rang true to me.