I am not a huge fan of donating money. Why do you ask? Well the main reason is that I don’t know where it's going. Sure, they say it's going right to the victims or it's going to help buy toys for little children but is it really? I think for the most part people donate because they feel guilty. Maybe they donate because they still believe in the system. I'll donate a buck or two from time to time hoping that it will make a difference, that is, if I'm donating to what I want to be donating to.
I'm driving home from work. I had a very bad case of Strep throat and my Service Engine Soon light just came on in my car. It seems that when it rains it pours, but then again it happens to the best of us. I'm driving up to one of the major intersections...it's the last one right before my brother's apartment. As I pull up to it, I see these firefighters walking in between the lanes with a boot in their hands. They are asking for donations. In my mind, I assume that it is for the victims that were hit by Katrina.
Finally receiving my debit card and having some extra cash on me, I figure that my life has been crappy...why not help out someone whose life is worse off then mine. I pull up to the stop and throw in five bucks. The firefighter thanks me and hands me a sticker. I feel good inside. I feel like if I don't do anything else for the rest of the day, that at least I did some good. I'm hoping that the five bucks goes to help buy a blanket, or helps feed someone. I'm hoping all of this until I look down and see, "Thanks for donating to Jerry's Kids." Mother fucker! Not that those kids don't deserve money but I didn't want them to have my money. Yes, I know, I am coming across as an asshole but it's true. I have friends who love watching the telethon. I am not one of those people. I remember as a child getting upset cause I can stay up late watching TV. but nothing is on because of the stupid telethon. Oh well, what can ya do? It's not the money is going to help support terrorists organizations or even to the "shitty people" foundation. So you may have one this battle Jerry, but you have not won the war.
Fuck you mother fucking Spam. Suck a dick and choke on it and die while drowing.
drowning I meant.
that sucks. i hear where you're coming from on only wanting to donate to things you actually care about. it gets tough around the office when a boss or co-worker supports something that you don't feel deserves the same attention as other things (local kids group when you could be donating to cancer research) and they ask for your dough. i try to keep the peace by throwing a little bit of money at whatever comes along. what is jerry's kids for anyway?
That's another thing. I hate when people bring in their fucking kids things to work and ask, "Hey do you want to buy something for my kid?" Why the hell don't your kid ask me that? Thanks a lot for this seven dollar picture frame...it will look nice in my closet with all the other garbage. "Wow, those candies look good. Ten bucks...well I must get a lot." Only to find that you get two pieces of candy that is stale. Damn you all...damn you all to hell.
As far as Jerry's kids go. I am too tired to look it up online but it's for children who have the M. disease.
Just on the news... Jerry's Kids (the fundraising body) is giving portions of their proceeds to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
So you might have still won.
That's what they want you to believe.
Good point. I've had the wool pulled over my eyes once again...
Fuck Jerry, the lying bastard.
I mean look at that tubby bitch. For them to say that they are donating some of the money is like saying that the Red Cross has donated all the money to 9/11 or to the Katrina situation....I'm not buying it. Fucking wool. 100 percent wool.
I hear that Jerry's a dick, even to his own kids, the Muscular Dystrophy kids. Two people I know with Muscular Dystrophy have both met Jerry at the telethons and they both reported that he is a dick. They appreciate the work he does, but personally speaking, well he is not personable. I don't mean to speak for them, but that is the imporession I got.
So there you go Dan, now you know. The MS kids are using Jerry for his name. I will let my friends know that you donated to their disease.
by accident of course.
Dan, you are going to hate me but I have to say this (you know how I am about the little ones)
....Please don't forget about the animals, they are also hurt or homeless from Katria, so if anyone is interested you can donate at Petco.com or through the Humane Society.
I don't have any tinsletown dirt on Jerry but if I do hear of anything I'll be sure to let you know.... on an unrelated note, I just read that Paris Hilton raps on her new album. Yikes.
Look what I found... "The Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon, concluding Monday, raised more than $1 million for hurricane victims in additon to $54.9 million for the Muscular Dystrophy Association." Hopefully your fiver went to Katrina.
It better...those fuckers.
a little off the subject. but did i just read a comment that said "donate to the animal victims of Katrina"? wow, people are dying, homeless, hopeless, starving,... and you want your donation to go to their fricken pets!!! When a catastrophy like this hits, pets dying is the absolute least of my worries. Seriously, lets get our priorities in order here folks. brought to you by My Two Cents productions
whoa, wait a minute! what if those pets belong to white people? they should be saved before the black people who are still there to take care of their pets. think things through before you start spreading your opinions.
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You've got a spam infection. Wicker furniture?
Also, I'm confused about the white people's pets. Wouldn't they have taken their pets with them when they left over a week ago?
white, black, i don't care who the pet belongs to, save the people first. I didn't make any comments about the color of the owners. I think it is really sad that this thing has become a race issue. It is really sad if it is justified. I don't know all the fact so i am not going to assume anything, but dang, it seems like every issue on the new turns into a fricken race war!
For Kenya to make a rediculous generalization about white people is just as bad ,as say, Brad Pitt making a terrible public generalization about black people. Either way, it sucks! For the servivors sakes, let keep race out of this and just help people even if they are purple.
The victims of Hurrican Katrina are also families with pets, black and white, who care about their pets deeply. If some people do not want to donate to help, fine, but it is not about rescuing pets that belong to "white people". It's horrible that anyone would ever think that. Every one, including the animals, NEEDS HELP in wake of the disaster. And that is not an opinion, it is stating the obvious.
Katrina is a nasty little wench. Sewage, toxic waste, dead people combined make for some horrible water. New Orleans is now a wasteland. Should we save the dogs who are feeding off of dead people? Now is a fantastic time of opportunity, however. Time for the poor black folk to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Now is the time they can prosper....by selling Wicker Furniture. A generous heaping helping of Spam is a fine gesture of peace. Barbara Bush said it best, "This is working out very well for them." She's an awesome lady. She's the mother of the apocalypse.
The race problems highlighted by this disaster are that the rich and middle class largely white residents widely evactuated the city before the storm hit. The poor largely black population had nowhere to go, they did not evacuate, and they suffered in a much larger pecentage than any other group of people. They continue to suffer due to a lack of any effective governmental response. While it would be a mischaracterization to state that the lack of response is racially motivated, the affect of that lack of response is that it has hurt those unable to help themselves the most; the poor who have nowhere else to go.
Plus, I do feel really bad for the animals that have died and those that survive and need assistance. I truly do.
I once wrote what I would deem to be a great animal rights law review article for which I received an offer of publication (I never published it though.) The article argued that certain animals should be given the individual right to standing to enforce their rights in court. Right now you can grant a right to animals, but they animal cannot enforce that right in court, and in certain limited circumstances they should be given that right. Once the right to standing to sue is recognized, animal rights activists will have overcome a gigantic legal obstacle to animal protection.
However, my concerns for the furry survivors of Katrina are in each and every instance secondary to the immediate need of human survivors.
By the way I wonder if I will have chicken or beef tonight. I can't rule out pork either. Mmmmmm, let's have them all at once...hot dogs it is!
sarcasm, catch on to it. sorry if i made it sound too believable. next time i'll put a '(j/k)'
oh, who am i kidding, no i won't
I have a feeling (or at least I was hoping) that all parties involved realized that Christine's comment was in jest. Come on guys... And Christine, don't ever put a J/K after something like that. If folks can't pick up on some light sarcasm, there's no reason to pander down to an audience. Where's the fun in that?
I didn't think Christine was being racist or even not funny, I was just explaining why everyone (i.e. the tv) is bitching about the race issue in regard to the hurricane.
Oh, and expressing my deep regard for our furry hapless friends who don't have the thumbs to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.
Dave, and Christine
point taken. I know you were being sarcastic, its cool. Dave, i also understand that there is a SES devide between the people in the desaster zone. This should be a rich/poor issue, not a black white issue. Unfortunately a great number of the poor is represented by the black community, which didn't have the means to evacuate. But to act as though they are the only ones that are in trouble is down right ignorant. There a plenty of poor white people that didn't have the means to evacuate either. OK, does that make it right that the rich got out and they can't? NO, Everyone needs help in a time like this, it just pisses me off that a disaster such as this has to be made worse by racial finger pointing. by fricken entertainers no less!! are you trying to tell me that they wouldn't have their Lear jet come pick them up and evacuate if they lived in that area? they are rich, they are black. I suppose it would be ok then, right Kenya? Would Kenya not care about black people if he only saved himself? weird how it is so easy to point fingers and make accusation of prejudice when you can always go back to your beach front palace, or have a helecopter lift you out of any disaster.
I hate it when they interveiw entertainers about this kind of stuff, like they can relate one iota, they might as well interview Joe Smoe walking down the street in Michigan, he would have just as good insight on the disaster. So because they act or sing they have an "auh-inspiring" opinion? i know why they do it, i just don't like it.
Who the hell is Kenya? Last I checked it was a country located on the African continent.
sorry, should have clearified. Kanye West is a rapper that is basically claiming that every white person in political power hates black people. that is rediculous generalization, especially to be saying it on national television. "Goerge Bush does not care about black people", bold statement. there are a lot of black people out there, to say that the president of the United States doesn't care about 20-30% of his country is insane. I am not a huge fan of any politition, but I also don't go starting race wars because i am ignorant.
if you can tell, i am really upset about this whole thing. It is terrible that the help was not there in time to help stranded people, (we have never seen a disaster of this magnitude), but to say the help was not sent because the people in trouble are black......I think Kanye has a little bit of ratial paranoya, and if any one is racist it is him!
OK, i have a lot of white friends, i have a lot of black friends, do i like them because of their color? NO, but i do get a little upset when accusation of being racist are just thrown around becuase of a chip on a shoulder or an assumption. I hate racism, i think it is a discusting thing, but i think it is still around and living strong becuase too many people THINK it is still around and living strong.
sorry i let my comment get so far off the subject of the original post. I know the comment section isn't for that. But you know me, if it comes into my head, more than likely it will be manifested in other ways also.
i'm eating one of those delicious cinammon hot dogs with bacon. i got it out of the food basket at the end of the line.
I heard that Christine is a member of the KKK. The Krazy Kollectors of Krazyness.
That was fucking lame but I'm drinking a beer and angry. What more can one ask for?
Charlie Manson wanted to start a race war by killing some people in LA. He thought that the murders would be blamed on black people, who would then be forced into a race war. The blacks would later win, but would be too stupid to govern and then Charlie and his family would come in and rule over the "darkies." Pretty good plan! No flaws there...
hey doesn't need a huge elaborate plan for a riot, or race war. Just dress up like a cop and go beat some black guys while someon is vidoe taping and then get off scott free. That is a proven plan.
As far as blacks governing. Great idea, i think we need more minorities in office, they may be able to relate better to problems facing certain cultures in our society. But to tell you the truth, if there was an honest politition that actually did what he/she said they were going to do I would vote for them no matter their color.
Would you vote for a Romulan or an Andorian?
Those are two tough choices...I would have to say Romulan so they could make the ale legal.
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