Friday, July 08, 2005

We Could Be Hero's For Just One Day.

So grab my hand and take a walk with me into the past. I was working as a Production Assistant on location in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The hours were long, really long and the pay...well there was no pay but it's the price you “pay” to get into the biz. Got to start somewhere. There were many memorable stories from the shoot, but this one is my favorite.

We're going back one year, to the Summer of 2004. It was a humid, dark day. I know I was really worn out, mentally and physically. It was the same shit, different day, different night.

You see I never really understood the power the actor or actress has on the set until I witnessed it. Josie Davis was one of the stars of the movie. If you don't know who she is, imdb it mother fucker, we are straying from the story. She was going to read for a small role as Hot Nurse for a 20th Century Fox movie. She told me it was for a snowboarding movie. She needed a guy who was somewhat cute so she could get into the role. For some strange reason, she wanted to read with me. I don't know if it was my wit, my charm, my theater minor from college or the fact that she knew my name and when she needed to ask for me, she didn't have to say, "You know, that guy with the beard." All I know is that she was able to get me to not have to do my job, have a lighting guy do up an empty room, all while they were shooting on the floor below us. I know it doesn't sound like much but trust me, it was a big deal.

I found it exciting in a way. That some casting director was going to hear my voice. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal to some of you, but it meant the world to me at that time. Plus I didn't have to set up for Lunch and that sucks after awhile when you do it every day for two weeks in a row.

That day had been busy. They had me running around, doing the typical crazy shit you do as a P.A. but all I knew was that I wasn't going to miss out on this. Not this time. In fact, I almost did miss out on it. Josie was walking towards me with another guy from locations. She said, "I was looking for you but couldn't find you so I asked...him to do it instead." Are you kidding me? No way was I gonna be pushed aside. No fucking way. "I am free now. It's all good." Did I just say that? Who am I? But it worked. She went with me. I'm a big star now.

INT. A Small Bedroom. A small bedroom on the second floor of an old, Midwestern house. The floor is covered in plastic and is poorly lit. LOUIE, a smaller fellow, is setting up lights in the corner. MIKE MAHAR, who was shooting a documentary for the film, is setting up his tri-pod in the middle of the room to record the audition. JOSIE is rehearsing her lines, putting on the last stages of her make up. DAN, the handsome stud, is reading over his lines. Nervous and anxious, he pretends that he's done this before. LOUIE finishes up the lights and leaves the room. As he opens the door, three men from Locations have formed a human wall in the doorway.

Hey Dan, what's going on in there?

Oh we're just shooting this thing for Josie.

We're shooting a porn.

No, it's not a porn.

DAN smiles and closes the door in front of him, knowing that they'll never know what went on in that room. The sex, the hardcore sex.

Ok, well there wasn't hardcore sex or even sex but I thought I'd put that last part in to boost the sells...remember?

When I looked over the lines, all I could think was, "This is really bad.” Josie is standing in front of the camera and Mike and myself are standing behind it. I read the lines to her but they come off as being this dirt ass snowboarding dude.

(Paraphrasing of course)

"Have you looked outside? Those are some of the sickest alps this side of the world."

So that's how I read it the first time. Josie told me to read it serious but the thing is, I was reading it the way it should have been read. Being the professional, I did what she asked me to do. I stood up a little bit straighter, deepened my voice a little bit more and said the lines.

We went on to do this a couple of more times. At least three different angles, each time I'm thinking to myself, "This will make a good story to tell." And to some extent it was a good story to tell...until now. Now, with an ending to the story...this story will be complete.

We jump back to the now. It is July 8th. It's a year after the movie is done shooting. I have forgotten the story I just told you above. I have a forgotten a lot of stories from a year ago. It's a hot summer’s night in Vegas. I'm a tad hung-over and don't feel like doing much. My friend John and I go to the movies. I haven't been to a Friday night movie in years. It's interesting to see how many people go to the movies on Friday. We waited in line and got our tickets. The theater was jam packed. I couldn't believe it. John and I could either sit together in the front row or go loner and sit in better seats. We chose to go loner.

The movie started and it turned out that I was enjoying it. The crowd was being good. The movie was loud and it was entertaining. Then it happened. It was as if someone caught me with a surprise jab. I was stunned to hear...

(Paraphrasing of course)

"Have you looked outside? Those are some of the sickest alps this side of the world."

Mother fucking Johnny Storm said that. THE HUMAN TORCH!!! Hot Nurse wasn't for some snowboarding movie, it was for the Fantastic Four. I laughed out loud. I mean, if you don't know me, I rarely do that and I was laughing my ass off. The minute I realized that these were the lines I read, it all came back to me. I even remembered the lines and was mouthing along with it.

I may never get my star on Hollywood Boulevard. I may never get to sleep with Jessica Alba. There are a lot of things I may never get to do but the one thing that you can never take away from me is, for one hour of my life, I was a Super Hero and in my opinion...that’s pretty fucking cool.


m said...

Man, that brings back memories. I remember that night well.

What location was that anyway?

kagroo said...

An old, Midwestern house.

Anonymous said...

that is a great story, you are now a part of marvel media history.
you are now connected to the comic book world. and you are my super hero movie chum. that is tight.
wait until you are back in kalamazoo for a few days and i will have told ol' JB and he will hunt you down for an autograph! hunting indeed.

kagroo said...


Erin said...

The girl from Charles In Charge? Cool.

Anonymous said...

That was one of the funnier moments from last summer. If I had seen the movie before you told me I would have died laughing too.

The Dana said...

Too freakin' classic. As the producer I should probably be annoyed that I was paying Louie to light an audition tape, but actually I am just too fuckin' happy that this story has the best ending ever.

Mike Mahar - get your ass to Los Angeles for a visit, foo'!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome Dan. I might have to go see Fantastic Four now. Even though you are not in the credits you have influenced the production.

qhunt said...

so did the girl get the part?
what girl from charles in charge? not jennifer runyon?!?!(charles girlfriend) she was fricken hot!

Anonymous said...

Ha! That's way TOO funny!! I have a similar story I will tell you when you get here.........Kristi

kagroo said...


She did not get the part. She was hot but she was not Hot Nurse. She was the other girl...the dorky sister.

christine said...


kagroo said...

Don't worry...I still live. Kalamazoo tends to take a lot out of ya...especially when everyone wants to see you. You forget that you need to eat and sleep. THat's fucking odd. I'll write more later. Later I said. LATER.

christine said...

...i've actually been to kalamazoo

kagroo said...

I'm sorry to hear that.

Anonymous said...

Kalamazoo is not a bad place, especially once one has moved away. True, it's a little too conservative, and there is not a lot of night life or progressive thought compared to a metropolitan area. But all in all, Kalamazoo is not that bad. The downtown area has greatly improved in the last ten years. There are more restaurants and decent bars. Plus you can get into a rural setting very quickly.
I moved from Kalamazoo to Lansing and while similar in that they are both midsize areas surrounded by country, Lansing is filled with run down 50's and 60's area architecture, and is generally just a crappy ugly place. I guess the bottom line is, I would take Kalamazoo over Lansing, and therefore my lifetime of instilled Kalamazoo hatred has waned. Even my wife agrees that Kalamazoo is a better city than Lansing, but don't get any ideas, I will not be returning.

Plus when you travel outside of the Greal Lakes region and people ask where you are from most are generally surprised to learn that a place called "Kalamazoo" actually exists. It's a lot better than hearing, "Oh, Lansing, isn't that the shitty little capital?"

kagroo said...

I know Kalamazoo isn't that bad. If you live can be bad but I love coming back.