Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Power of Chubby...

Have you ever gotten one of those songs stuck in your head, the kind of song that just came out of no where? Then it's stuck in your head the whole day and you can't get it out. I really hate when that happens and it happened to me yesterday. It was quite an odd experience for me. I was getting ready to take my daily shower when all of the sudden "The Twist" by Cubby Checker and the Fat Boys pops into my head. Then it was like my brain put it on heavy rotation and wouldn't stop playing it, with no commercial breaks.

I finish taking my shower and dry off. I put my clothes on (Yes, I shower naked) and walk into the computer room where my brother and his girlfriend are at their computers playing a game. I start singing that song out loud when my brother asks me,

"Why have you been singing that song?"

What did he mean by that? Could he have read into my mind or was it stuck in his head too? Was this song spreading the nation?

"Why did you ask me that?"
"Because you were singing it in the shower."

Holy shit. I must have blocked it out. I had no idea that I was singing that song out loud, I only thought it was in my head. If I did that without knowing it, what else could I have done? Was this some type of government conspiracy and that song was my trigger? I don't know. I may never know. It was missing time and it was all because of "The Twist." I want those five minutes back. I want my life back Chubby. Damn you! Damn you all to hell!


*~*melly*~* said...

hahaha..i've done that before

what's worse is when you're w/ your friends and they start humming a song (probably w/out reaizing they are doing it and w/out you really paying attention) and then like 30 mins later you start humming or singing it....then they ask you, that's in your head too?..of course you say yes, and then you and your friend think you are even better friends because you had the same song in your head....

catchy songs.....gotta love em

The Dana said...

From your subject, I thought this post was going to be about something completely different.

I need to get a life...or just get "some". ;)

PS. pick a better song next time, like, say, The Superbowl Shuffle?