Sunday, February 06, 2005

Read Between the Lines

It seems that not only do I live in "Sin City" but also the personalized license plate capital of the world. I don't have physical proof that it is but I can sure validate it with my eyes. This is one of the many mysteries that I can't seem to solve while driving on the streets of Vegas.

The first one is how people who smoke in their car don't like to use their ash tray for their cigarette butts because it would make it dirty, so they throw it out of their window. I mean, that's what it's there for. Use it. It also pisses me off when people who smoke don't understand why I don't like it. Maybe cause it fucking stinks?

The other being how people get pissed off at me when I'm going five over the speed limit. They tend to ride my ass because they think it will make me drive faster, but it only makes me slow down. What I like to do when it becomes a two lane is speed up so they can't pass me. I find it ever so amusing. My brother informed me that I shouldn't do that little trick out here because you never know who has a gun. I still do it anyway because I find it amusing. What's so important that an extra minute is going to make a difference?

Ok, ok, I'm getting off the main subject here. I took a deep breath and now I'm focused. So what kind of person gets their license plate personalized? If you think about it, the only people that ever see the plate are the people who are stuck behind you at a stop light. It's not like a hot ass woman is going to read, "Sxy Man" and assume that you are the man of her dreams and will want to fuck you right there and then. If anything, she's gonna think, "He must be trying to compensate for something."

And then there are the ones like "Fst Car" on a Ferrari 550 Maranello or "Ice Crm" on an Ice Cream truck. We know what they are but people like to state the obvious. Like we are too stupid to figure out what kind of car it is. Like we are common folk and are not cool enough to get "way kwl" on our car. I just see it as an elite club of assholes, like a Fraterinty, but way worse. And no I'm not jealous at all. It's just how I see it. And yes, I should be writing about more important things that are going on in the world but in my world, the most important world, this is at the top of my list to fix and if this doesn't happen soon, I may have to "tke nmz" and "Kick Az"


m said...

Dude, Dan. I totally hear you. I can't understand why anyone would pay extra to have a plate that makes them stand out more. Bystanders and cops are less likely to remember a random series of letters and numbers.

Not as if that's what I'm trying to achieve, but if you accidentally piss off another driver, having a memorable vanity plate increases the likelyhood that they will remember your car when they see it in the mall parking lot three months later.

But what gets me even more is when people try to cram a whole sentence on the plate. And I sit there trying to decipher what 2ETW8MT means. Come on. What's the point in that?

The Dana said...

I think California might be only slightly behind Nevada in the personalized plate category - and could be the capital of the "sentence" type of plate.

I was thinking of getting one - similiar to how I have been thinking about getting a tattoo, but unfortunately I just can't decide on anything clever enough.

But now that you've both voiced your opposition to the cause - I may have to retreat from the idea altogether.


m said...

You may want to rethink the tattoo idea, too. In forty years, it won't have the same charm. I've never seen a senior citizen with a tattoo and thought, "" Have you?

The Dana said...

I only wanted to get a tiny tattoo - like a ladybug or a tennis ball on my back shoulder. Or something. Not like a huge giant motorcycle or "I love momma" on my arm.

Either way, it doesn't matter, as I'll most likely never work up the nerve, or make up my mind. Oh the pleasure of being Dana...

kagroo said...


We'll get you drunk when you come to Vegas and get you a tat...and do many other things that you will soon regret for the rest of your life...:)

Anonymous said...

get a derek jeter tattoo, you will never regret it.