Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The People Shall Choose...

At the Corner Bar is looking for a good topic to write about. This is where you, the people, have a chance to win the "You Pick the Topic" contest. Third place winner gets shit. Second place winner gets a slap in the face. First place winner gets the chance for me to write about your topic. So wipe off your dusty, original ideas and post them down below. Winner will be announced on March 12, 2005. Good luck assholes.


Anonymous said...

when to hold 'em?

Anonymous said...

Your favorite muppet talks to the English teacher, your boss, or some other authority/pain in the ass figure in your life.

christine said...

things in kid movies that freak you the fuck out --- i.e. umpalumpas, flying monkeys, etc.

btw - mercer county, nj

and everyone should have a dream about jessica simpson. she's hot, nice, and fun.

Anonymous said...

An analysis of who would win in a fight: post prison Martha Stewart or Marge Simpson.

(I really am aiming for 2nd place just to get the slap in the face.)

Anonymous said...

a no holds barred, no quarter aksed, given or taken, all or nothing ground breaking, earth shattering account of just exactly how cold november rain really gets.

kagroo said...

So far, there are some good topics to choose from, the judges and myself, namely myself have a lot of thinking. Remember there are still two more days until the deadline.

Anonymous said...

is it too late to ask you to do am undercover total gonzo work on what exactly happens after
i mean besides

you are a good soul kagroo.