I was responding to someone the other day over on my MySpace account and she made a comment, "I wonder what will happen when the line fills up with RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: allworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboy." What really does happen when the subject line can no longer take it? I figured it would be the equivalent to what happens when you don't punch in the numbers 4,8,15,16,23,42, which I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing but it's a situation that I feel more comfortable not finding out.
The one thing I really don't understand is the significance of the subject line. The first thing is that people don't take the time to put one down and if they do, it can sum up the whole email?
Subject: What are you doing tonight?
Subject: Do you want to grab lunch tomorrow?
Subject: Pictures of our birthday!!!
I think the problem is that the subject line can make life very easy for us but we choose not to. It is very simple to ask a one sentence question but we feel that we have to ask how the person is doing or if work is sucking today because if it isn't personal, you are an asshole.
Another thing is that one person takes the time to make a subject title but the person who responds does not. So that is how the Re: situation happens. Two years later, you still have the subject "Re: Sorry I threw up in your car," and I'm not sure if it's because we are lazy emailers or that the subject line doesn't matter because if you get an email from your parents you aren't going to read the title and say, "Fuck that, I'm not going to read what my mom has to say."
I will have to say that the subject line can save you from suffering through those stupid ass forwards. The "Re: Women are really funny" subjects is a HUGE red flag that you should not read what is in the email because you will wish your two minutes of your life back.
As you can tell, I have mixed feelings towards this subject line. In the end, if it vanished one night, I would not put an Amber Alert out. I would sleep the same, I would not drive through the streets late at night calling out it's name. If I were to sleep with the subject line, I would probably not call it again (subject line's are feminine). If the subject line was running for President, I would not vote for it.
Subject line we are not friends. We will never be friends, even if you do buy me a life sized replica of the Millenium Falcon because it's not going to work. It will just rest there and it will be one more thing I'd be forced to leave at a siblings house.
I have kind of lost track of this post. If only...if only I had a subject line to guide me...damn me and my contradictions.
About 90% of my professional communitcation occurs via email. The subject line is extremely beneficial during such communications.
But when I email you or any other person that I don't sue or consult about suing, I usually just put some random profanity as the subject.
It's an all around great subject.
That's why it takes lawyers forever to get things done...they have to depend on subject title's and the next thing you know...it's a month later and you still haven't gone to trial.
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