Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Ever miss your youth? Remember getting Pen Pals from Europe or other various places because your school thought it would be a great idea to broaden your horizon? Well do I have a treat for you. Fuck emails. Fuck phone calls. Get out that pad of paper and your favorite Ball-Point Pen because I have a treat for you.

Write Me

That's right, inmates on Death Row are lonely and are looking for someone to talk to. They are sick of talking to the prison guards and other Death Row inmates. Their family just isn't satisfying their needs and this is when you come into place. Send them a letter. Tell them about your life. Tell them where you live. Don't forget to send them a couple of bucks because they have to pay for their own stamps, their own paper and their own envelopes. How could they possible work when they are in jail?

So what are you waiting for? Get your ass up out your chair and get to writing.


kagroo said...

I have a feeling that I'm going to be convicted of a crime I didn't do and get sent to Death Row. This is what you will call carma. Well I don't call it carma, I call it something else.

christine said...

bill and christian were once the erroneous recipients of a letter from an inmate in a pennsylvania penitentiary. he was writing to someone named amber for the first time and was told by one of his buddies that she was someone he could write to and 'it would be cool'. i don't know who this amber person is, but i feel bad for her for 2 reasons

1-she's got some derelict stranger writing to her in the first place.

2-now she'll never receive the letter and even have the option of deciding whether to write back or not.

i hope he doesn't come looking for her to ask why she never wrot. if he doesn't get her he might get bill and christian...they might like that

Anonymous said...

While I agree that it is a waste of tax dollars to let death row inmates sit for twenty-odd years, I don't necessarily feel that every murderer be killed, or that every inmate in lock-up is a caged beast.

It's all a matter of perspective. When a young minority with very little options in life is sanctioned to kill someone violently in cold blood by a superior, and must do so to maintain his own survival, it is a sad state of affairs.

But am I talking about a low-end gangbanger in south-central Los Angeles, or a common foot-soldier in Iraq?

Sure, it's moral relativisim at it's best, but judge not lest ye be judged.

But I think I have a better idea: let's make all of manhattan a prison, and I could fly in on a hang-glider...

qhunt said...

I agree with Quiag, it will be just like, "Escape from New York" or "Escape From LA" we can make it work. As long as Snake Blitzkin isn't an inmate!

funny blog dan