Sunday, March 19, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me.

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These were the kinds of messages I was getting all weekend. I always find it funny that if I don't answer my phone I'm either sleeping or drunk...come on people you forgot about masturbating. DUH!!!

So it's my birthday, or close enough to it. I was actually born sometime in the morning on a Saturday. I was told by my siblings that they were ticked off because they weren't able to watch their Saturday morning cartoons and were forced to sit in the waiting room while I decided to come into this world.

I really don't know where the big celebration for Birthday's came from. People throw parties, you get gifts, you get to do whatever you want and for what? Your Mom got pregnant. In a way you are getting the gifts and credit for something you didn't even do. All you did was sit and grow. Made your Mom sick, made her crave weird foods, kept her up at night.

People also tend to give me shit for not really caring for this day. They get worked up that I don't really care too much for it and consider it another day. I like to spend it alone. I figured I grew up all by myself inside my Mother, why not celebrate it. I'll go see a movie, eat food and talk to people on the phone. Maybe it's the fear of a staff of waiters singing to me in public or maybe I really am that fucked up. I do know that even though I don't really consider it that big of a friends and family do and they show it each year. So thank you and Happy Birthday to you all.


Anonymous said...

Boone!!!!! Happy B-day!!! Today is your day so get laid!!! Have a good one!!!!

m said...

Happy Birthday, Dan!

qhunt said...

This is the first time I got a chance to check the corner bar since march madness started, happy birthday man!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated, kagroo!

christine said...
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christine said...

since i can't comment on the other site, i'll do it here.

the truth of the matter is, those of us in the 401k crowd are alone a lot; out of necessity, by duty.

this gives us time to think about all the years we've rolled over all the time. the thing is, maybe there aren't as many regrets. or maybe there are, b/c maybe we missed out on stuff we could have tried. is this my case? no. so far, i've done more than my parents ever wanted or expected for me to do.

i think they wish i'd stop. but i won't. i keep going. i keep making them wish i'd stop being strong and marry the next guy who asks me out. i keep making them wonder if it really is a good thing that i make enough money to support myself. i keep making my friends' parents nervous that i'll encourage their daughters to stay single for so long b/c it's so damn fun.

and to that i say, if it keeps them from marrying the guy who makes money, but treats them like a piece of shit, then so be it. if it makes them keep looking for the real thing in their life that will make them happy, then i'm with them.

but we keep looking back. evaluating. we can't stop