Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I Don't Care

this is an audio post - click to play

How does one comment on an audio post? Well I just did and deal with it. That's all I have to say about that. I don't want to tell you too much because how are you going to analyze it and over analyze it until your brain swells and you can't take it anymore. Tell me. TELL ME!!!


christine said...

i agree

kagroo said...

i have no idea what I was talking about but I did not censor myself. I wasn't in the writing mood last night as you could tell.

m said...

I thought it was brilliant. You could have been reading Kerouac, and I wouldn't have known the difference.

kagroo said...

I don't think Jack knew what he was writing half the time either. It just presented itself.

christine said...

dan's own roman a clef