Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Team A.D.: The Best Around.

Team A.D. was formed on October 7th, 2005. It was a union formed by friendship, strength, honor and the ladies. The "Evil powers that be" have attempted numerous times to dismantle them, but the quick ability to improvise, adapt and overcome destroyed any chance these forces had. Team A.D. laughed in their face and simply said, "We have a code we live by. We are the best around, nothing's gonna ever bring us down."


  1. Team A.D. knows Kung Fu.
  2. Motto 2 (Only Team A.D. knows this)
  3. Team A.D. loves the ladies.
  4. No one fucks with Team A.D.
  5. Team A.D. loves Sally Pressman.

"The Gutter" is homebase for Team A.D. Strategies and other various experimental fighting techniques are practiced and perfected. Many women have come and gone in more ways then one. Always wondering what it would have been like to date a memeber of Team A.D. That's how Team A.D. rolls. Satisfying the ladies, having them come back for more.

Team A.D. has been questioned by skeptics in the past. By the way they live their lives, their style, the cut of their jib. Has this slowed them down? Has it made them hesitate their actions? No. They continue fighting the good fight, doing what's right...for them and making sure that supporters of Team A.D. are protected and are never victimized by Anti-A.D. hate crimes.

If you have a problem, if no one else can help and if you can find them, maybe you can hire Team A.D.


Anonymous said...

Team A.D. has competition...the real Team A.D. includes Ted and myself (ie the art department). But I do agree that all the ladies have wondered what it is like to date a member of the Team, I know I have. But I was pushed aside and forced to take a number, that's me always in the way... HAHA Anyways, had a blast working with you, I look forward to the making of THE DREAD II!

m said...

You're #1 for me, Lindsay. Even if I'm your #4.

Hands off, Dan. She's mine.

qhunt said...

I love your references to 80's classics like Karate Kid, and the A Team. fricken classic!! I want to party with Team A.D.

christine said...

so how many teams/groups are you a member of? what about the mayo launchers?

kagroo said...

Jealous Christine?

Q, you can party lady is required as a gift.

Anonymous said...

Is this movie about the second coming? Is Jesus the walking dead?

Anonymous said...

Where the fuck is the ice cream around here? I was promised ice cream!

m said...

Look out, ladies. He's cut his hair since that picture was taken. But don't worry; he's still the strawberry-blond stallion he's always been.