Tuesday, December 27, 2005

This is All I Get? What a Downer.

Hey guys...I know, I'm not writing much today. I'm going to go to bed soon and I have to get up in the morning to deal with the insurance company. My laptop got a killer virus in it and I have to start over from scartch with the web page. I still plan to have something up on the first but please don't expect much. I feel really good about the New Year. I'm sure everyone says that but this time...this time I really mean it.


christine said...

i here ya, maccauley; 2005 was not hot - and your last month sounds like it's been downright shitty. i hear nothing but good things about 2006. and though i hate new year's as a holiday, i look forward to the page turning over so we can ball up 2005 and throw it away.

m said...

You can do it!

kagroo said...

I had a great 2005...lots of life altering experiences...and no I didn't find Jesus.