Friday, October 07, 2005

My Life...The End.

Wow...what the fuck do I write about? I have been sitting in front of this screen for a good hour now and nothing. I mean I was gonna write about this Fantasia book "Life is not a Fairy Tale," and how she couldn't read but I find it funny that they give her credit for writing the book. I mean she really just told someone her story so she shouldn't get a credit for writing. She can't even read. FUCKING A.

What else was I gonna write about? Oh yeah...fucking sitcom t.v. shows that had their "serious" episode. "Give Me a Break," when little Joey Lawrence dressed up like Al Jolson and everyone freaked the fuck out. "Blossum" when she was physically abused by her boyfriend and who could forget the "Different Strokes" epsiode when the boys were touched by the bike store owner? Fuck you Schwinn!!!

The last thing I wanted to write about was how dumb people are. It seems that most actors in small towns don't have a clue. They don't know when to stop bugging the producers. They like to blame things because they don't know how to deal.

I would like to apologize for the lack of time that
I had to review the script and perform. I had just
started a new job, resetting the cakes and flour
at Miejer. I had been informed that it would take
800pm until about 1:00am; 4:00 at the latest. At
8:00am I left EARLY to download the script and relax
for a brief time before the reading. Your email had
come after I had left for work.
So please understand that I was not exactly at my
stellar best.
Thanks for the consideration.

Get over it, just come to accept that you can't act. Spell Meijer right too while you are at it. You aren't impressing me and man those cakes were stale.

These were a couple of ideas I thought about writing about but decided it should be a buffet rather then a main course.


Anonymous said...
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christine said...

sex is better if you have a clit the size of a yellow banana? i did not know that. thank you, girljane - very informative.

kagroo said...

a six inch clit is not a good thing.

christine said...

well it sounds like you and girljane are gonna have to get together and figure that out. don't knock it til you rock it.

qhunt said...

dan, you get some bad spam. good blog though. sometimes the best things you say is when you have nothing major to say at all. give me a call sometime, you are only in town for a little bit, and we aren't taking advantage of it! did that sound gay?