Friday, March 04, 2005

How Much Damage Could I Do With A Pen?

"A lot of people ask me stupid fucking questions. A lot of people think that what I say on record, or what I talk about on a record that I actually do in real life, or I believe in it. Or if I say that I want to kill somebody that I'm actually going to do it or that I believe in it. Well shit, if you believe that then I'll kill you. You know why? Cause I'm a criminal."

I've been feeling a lot of heat from people the last three days. When they post it, or even when they don't post it, I've been under attack. At work, at home, on my phone, on a boat, on a goat. Luckily I have a bomb shelter built into my brain so I can go hide in it until the fire has ceased. But fuck it. Why do I need to hide? It's not my style.

People, people, people, listen the fuck up because I'm only going to say this once. This is my place. I go here to write. I'm not writing for the New Yorker, L.A. Times, U.S.A. Today or Mad Libs. I'm writing for myself because I'm easily entertained. Do you think that everything I write I stand behind? Fuck no. This is supposed to be fun. Do you really think that I sit around all day and dwell about the things I write about? That I really think that pet names are the equivalent to slave names? That the lady who corrected me is a shitty English teacher, who had no friends growing up? That I'm really arrogant and lazy and that I'm all high and mighty? That all personalized license plates are fucking stupid? (Bad example because they really are stupid) NO!!! It's a character I get into when I write, because if I wrote like "Dan" then it'd be sugar coated goodness and if you really wanted that then you'd go and watch an episode of Davey and Goliath.

You are supposed to read it and laugh because we are "At The Corner Bar." So you can either be someone who comes here, sits back in your chair, have a drink (non-alcoholic if you choose) with some friends and talk about your day or you can be that guy who comes here looking for a one night stand and to start a fight just because you are "in the mood." Which one are you? Think about it, get back to me, but until rounds on you so buy me a fucking drink.


qhunt said...

Dan, don't listen to those nay sayers man. if someone gets bent out of shape because you are blogging than you probably are doing it right. Blogging isn't suppose to please everyone or it would be called, "the fact section" it is opinions, it is suppose to vary. if some people don't understand that then maybe they shouldn't post their responses. Don't they realize that they use the same freedom when they post their negative responses that you use when you post your opinion. Ironic, don't you think.
its like rain, on your wedding day. its like looking at the moon and thinking it is cheese but when you look at cheese you don't think its the moon. blah blah blah.

qhunt said...

one more thing. I got the same kind of heat when i wrote that book in college. it made me happy in a way because no matter what emotion it was, it provoked emotion.

kagroo said...

Hey I don't mind people's opinions, but when it comes across as negative, extremely negative, that's when I get pissed off. I guess it's just adding fuel to the fire though. Props G. G-Money.

Anonymous said...

Here! Here! Cheers........:)

Anonymous said...

Dan, I have to agree with your nay-sayers. Perhaps if you found religion or became more heavily involved with the Republican party then you would be able to find the path.

Until then, me and my very devout Catholic, Republican family will continue to pray for you during your time of hardship.


Anonymous said...

i too pray for dan.
i pray that he comes around to the light and i am sending him a copy of right turns, my new sensational book, so he can use it to transform his life.
until he gets that read i offer this advice:
"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

kagroo said...

Who the fuck is playing this joke on me? No way Michael Medved is reading my blog. If I'd have to's Platte...since he is the only one capable of such a crime.

kagroo said...
