Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Call me anytime...

I was watching one of my newly found treasures on t.v. the other night, Scrubs, and it was the episode where Turk got a new cell phone number that when you converted the numbers into letters it spelled "Call Turk." Well, it didn't actually spell Turk, but Tur, but that was the whole joke. It's a sitcom people.

So what do I do? Being the educated college graduate that I am, I wrote down the number so I could call it later on. When I called the number I expected to get a disconnected notice or an old lady to answer the phone but instead, I got an outgoing voicemail message from Turk. What the hell was going on? This shouldn't be happening because he's not real. I wanted to leave a message but it said that the message box was full so it turned out that I wasn't the only rocket scientist that thought it would be a good idea calling a fictional number. I wanted to believe that Turk was real but I realized that the funny people down at Scrubs knew people would call the number. They knew that someone like me, many people like me, would call it and I'm sure they are all sitting around a camp fire drinking a beer, laughing at us, knowing that deep down they would have done the same thing if they were in our shoes.

My friend John, many moons ago, did the same thing. We all remember the song, "Baby Got Back," by Sir-Mixa-Lot? One of the lyrics in the song says, "Dial 1-900-Mixa-Lot and kick them nasty thoughts." John, not listening to the lyrics, thought it said, "Dial 1-800-Sir-Mixa," and what does he do? He calls the number. It turned out that that was a number to an Escort service in New York City. We called it from any phone we could get our hands on. The call was free, so why not? We ended up calling them so much and so many times that they put a block on our area code. We were eventually denide our "Sir-Mixa" and I'm sure any chance of ever getting a New York Escort to come to Michigan.

So what is this infacuation with calling fictional characters? Do our lives really suck that bad that we need to call someone who isn't real and tell them that we enjoy watching them on a t.v. show that's not real? Or do we really have that much free time on our hands? I don't have the answers to these questions...yet...but if you want to call and chat with me about the discussion above, just give me a call at (555) 555-5555 and if you can't get through try my cell number which is (555)555-5551.

Monday, November 22, 2004

The very first one...

Well this is the first one that I'm writing. Will I continue doing this? I'm not sure. It is kind of strange how you can vent or prove a point and random strangers will read it and let you know what they think of your random thoughts.
Oh thank you world wide web for providing me with yet another thing to distract me from very important things I should be doing. Now I can write on this and tell people what I should be doing instead of actually doing it.
Hmmmmm...I didn't see if I could swear or not. I wouldn't want to say something bad and then have the FCC come down on me after they some how find a way to pass the law that will allow them to regualte internet, cable and satalite radio...so until then...SUCK IT.